Beaching and Jeeping

While Grammy and Grandpa were in town for the twins’ birthdays and Disneyland, we had two Open Houses at our house and needed to be out for several hours. It was so much easier cleaning and getting everyone out with the extra help, especially after being used to doing it all myself whenever we had showings during the week. Sometimes, I’ve had to have the place passably clean and the kids out with only an hour’s notice, and have been so stressed out!

One weekend during our Open House, we spent the afternoon at Dana Point and the Ocean Institute, where the girls touched starfish and other sea creatures, toured a pirate ship and learned all about whales, while Meredith ran around the park and ate. And ate. And ate.

On her third course for lunch.

Ready to start paddleboarding.

The weekend after Disneyland during another Open House, we had a picnic and beach afternoon at Marina Park in Newport Beach. I’ve been wanting to check out this park/beach for a while now, but Newport is about 30 minutes away for us, as opposed to Dana Point, Laguna and some of the other beaches that are much closer for us. It was definitely worth the extra drive, with a wide, spacious green space, awesome nautical themed playground, and a beach right on the playground that was so perfect for little kids. The beach had no waves and calm water, just like Baby Beach in Dana Point, only this one was much cleaner! We will be back!

Meredith’s first time walking into the ocean herself!

She immediately plopped down and got soaked. I could barely stand getting my feet wet– so cold!

Like a moth to the flame, Meredith was drawn to a bouncy house someone had set up.

Coppertone baby beach bum!

The twins are playground connoisseurs and gave this one two big thumbs up.

Before Grammy and Grandpa left back to Utah, the twins spent the morning racing cars on the amazing Magic Trax race car set from Grammy and Grandpa and showing off their driving skills.

Safari with Meredith.

Waving to her adoring public.

It was a rough week adjusting back to our routine after a week and a half of non-stop birthday celebrations, beach adventures, Disneyland and having Grammy and Grandpa around to help out and join in the fun. The week after, everyone was sick, cranky, sleep-deprived, off-schedule, and complaining about preschool being “boring.” With all the excitement, I fear we’ve created thrill junkies and are going to have to get them used to normal life again!

Lots of love,


Kite Flying at Salt Creek

It’s not often I ask Jake and the girls to run a few errands for me… for good reason.  A few months ago, before we went to Utah, I sent Jake and the girls to pick up some last-minute car trip essentials and couldn’t help but roll on the floor with laughter when they got home 2.5 hours later having only gone to one store, and only three things that had actually been on my list to show for it! On one such ill-fated excursion, the girls brought home Star Wars and Iron Man kites, which we finally put to good use over the weekend at Salt Creek.

Let’s go fly a kite!


The ocean breeze was pretty strong and Sammy started complaining her arm was tired after about five minutes.


Amelia was a very dedicated kite flyer.

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The kites got away from the girls more than a few times.  Fortunately, sympathetic park goers chased them down for us.


Getting creative with their kite holding skills.

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Picnic break after all that tiring kite business.

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Messy Samantha!



Ocean breezes and sticky fingers.


We tried to call it a day and head back home without trekking down the cliff to the sand, but Samantha and Amelia would have none of that.  kite-22

Meredith was so content watching her sisters and playing on her mat.

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Sandy toes and a sun kissed nose.



When will I be old enough to look for sand crabs too?


Look what the waves turned up.


My squeezable beach baby.


kite-38 Make me into a mermaid, mom!

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Deep breath before making the grueling trek up the hill (because we are too proud to pay a dollar to ride on the golf cart shuttle up the hill… we’d rather get exercise and suffer!)


The perfect baby beach day!


Lots of love,


