Cousin Susannah Visits

Aunt Juliette and Cousin Susannah from Colorado visited for a few days and the girls were so excited to hang out with their cousin! Juliette and Susannah hung out at the beach and toured around while the girls were in school and over the weekend, Susannah stayed with us while Juliette was at a “Sister’s Retreat” in Newport Beach with some of Jake’s sisters.

Susannah has seven brothers!! With two sets of little twin brothers!! I can’t even imagine. So our very girl-centric family must have been a shock to her, but she seemed to love it and was so helpful and fun with the kids. She’s also great with hair and did a nice job curling their hair and putting it up. All the girls loved hanging out with Susannah, but Meredith grew particularly attached and wouldn’t let me help her with anything while Susannah was around.

“I want Susannah to help me go to the potty!”

“I want Susannah to read me a story”

“I was Susannah to get me dressed!”

I had to tell Meredith to leave Susannah alone so that she wouldn’t feel smothered and would want to come back!


We went to Aliso Creek Beach for the afternoon and had a beach bonfire. It was nice, but chilly for us, and we laughed that Susannah was constantly walking around in tee shirts and shorts, since this felt like hot weather compared to the snow she was used to.

Eleanor loved having an extra cuddler around.


Glasses and beach waves twins.


Lucero, Kennedy and Sebastian joined us for the beach bonfire. The kids hardly played in the sand at all because they were so occupied finding sticks to build a “nest.”

We were sitting down closer to the water, when I looked up and saw about 100 seagulls going crazy over something by our bonfire pit. Thinking I better go check it it, I ran over to our stuff, only to find that the evil gulls had somehow reached into our bag and pulled out a sealed, unopened Costco-size bag of hot dog buns and were fighting over it, ripping it to shreds! We’ve had seagulls steal sandwiches and other food that was just lying around before, but never have I experience that cunning of a seagull at the beach. Our hot dogs were bunless that night.

S’mores times.


When we got home from the beach last night, I asked where Sammy’s glasses were and we decided they must be in the car and that we’d find them in the morning. When our search in the morning did not turn up her glasses, I started getting a sinking feeling. I was not paying $800 for new glasses again! I remembered that Samantha had been lying on the sand, and Meredith had kicked sand in her face, at which point, Sammy had taken off her glasses and put them down so that we could get the sand out of her eyes. After interrogating her, we surmised she never put them back on, so they were still at the beach! I told her if we couldn’t find them, she would be doing a lot of chores to help pay for her new glasses, and she was pretty upset.

After they left on their rescue mission to the beach, I was already online picking out new glasses options. There was NO way they would be able to find them! Either they were lost in the sand, or someone took them.

Much to my shock, Sammy returned home, triumphantly, with her glasses! Jake had asked Sammy to say a little prayer in the car, asking Heavenly Father to please help them find the lost glasses. When they got out, everyone went to the bonfire pit we had been at the night before and searched. Amelia and Susannah saw something catch the light right below the fire pit and Amelia pulled out Sammy’s glasses, which were half-buried in the sand. A miracle! Samantha was SO happy to find them, and I couldn’t believe it!

Riding the ferris wheel at the Spectrum with Susannah.

It had rained so much that we went to see some of the waterfalls on local hikes.

Don’t know what Sammy’s deal is!


Susannah accompanied us to the park several times, and Meredith basically ignored me, preferring to play in the sand with Susannah and begging her to swing her.

Every parent has to put in four hours of volunteer duty at the snack bar for the season, and lucky for us, Susannah was there the weekend it was Jake’s turn (the league cut us some slack since we have two on the team and just made us have one parent put in the volunteer hours instead of both parents). Susannah helped with the kids during the game, while Jake was on snack bar duty.

Post-softball game park fun.

Susannah figured out a way to bribe Eleanor to crawl in a certain direction– she loves that Roomba!

Lots of love,


Grandpa’s 89th Birthday and Post-Christmas Fun

After Christmas, Auntie Lynn threw Great Grandpa a party to celebrate his 89th birthday (90th year!).  Mike and Ali came from Wyoming, Sarah and Mike from Portland, cousins from LA, and the rest of us local family and friends celebrated at Wood Ranch in the Irvine Spectrum for Great Grandpa’s big day.

Family photos by Aunt Sarah!

All the grandkids and great grand kids.

The girls were excited to have extra family around to carry them.

Uncle Mike and Meredith.


Cousin Ben thought carrying around Eleanor would be a good bicep workout. He was right.

Ali and the chunk-a-monk.

Eleanor was excited to sit with Grammy at dinner.

The kids table was a little crazy.

Cousins doing what cousins do.



Happy birthday, Great Grandpa!

While most of the grown-ups chatted at the restaurant after dinner, the rest of us high-tailed it out of there for a walk around the Spectrum before the kids trashed the place.

Good thing Ali, Mike, Sarah and Mike were there to help carrying screaming/tired girls!

Meredith and Hailey were so cute! Two-year-old Hailey borrowed 6-month-old Eleanor’s coat for the evening and it actually fit!

A trip to the Spectrum would not be complete without a ride on the ferris wheel.

Ferris wheel photos by Aunt Sarah. 


While we had aunts and uncles in town, the girls took them rock climbing at Sender City. This time, Meredith joined in for the first time and was pretty fearless.



We attempted lots of board games while we had family in town, even though they nearly always ended in tears. Samantha and Amelia are not the best gracious winners or losers, despite our best efforts.

Roasting s’mores with the fun aunts and uncles.

With all the extra hands, I got a lot of projects done while Grammy and Grandpa took on outings to the park.

Too much fun with their new chalk markers.

During the break, we also had a Secret Santa gift exchange with the Nguyens and the Erpeldings, which was supposed to be before Christmas, but we ended up having to reschedule. Since all the kids are in different schools, it’s been a long time since everyone has been able to play at the same time! Sheela had the kids draw names at the beginning of the month and wrote up cute letters for everyone, giving a few gift ideas for each kid received. The girls were so excited to see their friends open their gifts and announce that they were the Secret Santas. They also loved all the bonus gifts they got!

Practicing the art of balancing on the slack line with the neighborhood kids.

Practicing our tennis swings.


Amelia’s swing is getting pretty good!

Grammy watched Eleanor at home while I took the girls to the zoo. It felt like a lot less work just having three for a change.

We saw our friend, Brian, who works at the entrance!

All aboard the ferris wheel.

Jake and I celebrated our anniversary by staying at Pelican Hill Resort in Newport while Grammy and Grandpa watched the kids. Beautiful views and sunsets!


Lots of love,


November in a nutshell

A random compilation of pre-Thanksgiving photos from November!

We begin with all of the festive Thanksgiving-themed school projects, including these very cute and useful laminated placemats:

More turkey projects:

Joyriding on a crisp fall day in the Barbie Jeep.

The night the girls most look forward to during the week is Friday night, which is movie night at our house. I won an air popper at the preschool’s annual dinner fundraiser, so the girls have enjoyed popping their own corn and don’t seem to mind the lack of butter or salt. We just eat it straight up plain!

My dreams of seeing Hamilton came true! I didn’t think I’d survive the drive up to LA since I was in the throes of morning sickness, but I had been dying to see this show forever and wasn’t going to let some pesky nausea and extreme fatigue stop me, even though this was the latest I had been out in months! We had some yummy tapas at a restaurant in the theater district before meeting our friends, Sheela and Todd, at the show.  I don’t often say anything is really worth the drive to LA, but this was definitely an exception. Best. Musical. Ever.

Samantha and Amelia did their best to smile and not look tortured in their school photos.


Meredith hangs with her bestie, Maple, whom she lovingly refers to as “May May.” They are hilarious together! One minute they are throwing sand and pushing each other, and the next they are hugging and kissing bye bye. Meredith frequently asks where May May is when we go to the park and she’s not there, and sometimes asks to bless May May in her prayers.

The twins started ice skating lessons, and despite spills and struggles the first few weeks, they love it. Ice skating is one of the few lessons we’ve tried that they are super excited to go to each week, probably because Jake buys them hot chocolate afterwards.

Daddy Daughter date at the Spectrum. I believe I was at a doctor’s appointment on this particular excursion and when I picked them up, I notice they were wearing new pants that we don’t own. They explained that Amelia had an accident, so instead of thinking to go to the car where I keep extra clothes, Jake just ran into one of the stores and bought them new undies and pants.

Livin’ la vida loca.

Meredith is obsessed with her dollies.

There’s an orange grove within biking distance of our house and the girls love to bike there, bringing big sacks of oranges home with them. The ride home is uphill all the way, so they are always exhausted when they get back.

Just past the orange grove is a fun little “Exploration Park” the girls like.

Showing off those strong muscles.

Gymnastics practice.

Thanksgiving potluck time! The hour of setting up, serving a class of hungry preschoolers and directing them to help clean up is tiring! I didn’t even get a chance to go say hi to Amelia in her class since her class is smaller and they were on to storytime by the time I got there. It seemed like every kid in this class asked for demanded two or three more helpings of everything… and then wasted it all! Argh! There was so much food that I wanted to take a few dishes home and call Thanksgiving done!

A few nighttime shenanigans:

Jake filmed this at 1 a.m. one night after Samantha had vomited and Amelia had woken up, startled and crying incoherently.  Apparently, she wanted to throw up too! Good times.

Lots of love,


Post-Camping Spring Break 2017

After our camping excursion, we spent the rest of the girls’ Spring Break hanging out and enjoying a leisurely and mostly unplanned week together. Instead of rushing off to preschool three days a week, we ate breakfast for as long as we wanted and the twins did puzzles and crafts during Meredith’s morning nap. After Meredith woke up, we went to the park, the pool or a class and napped/played the rest of the afternoon. I thought the week would drag by having the twins home in the morning an extra three days a week, but it was nice not rushing anywhere and not feeling like a chauffeur for a change. I don’t know if it’s their age or skills learned at preschool, but the twins are mostly cooperative playing together and occupying themselves without much intervention from me. Meredith absolutely adored having them around as her constant entertainment, too!

An outing to the playground and sensory garden in San Clemente:

The girls requested to do soccer again (I’m thinking the fact that Daddy takes them and gets them a gatorade afterward may have something to do with it, since it didn’t seem like they were way into soccer last go around!) One of our friends is from the UK and is a director for Playtime Adventure, which brings UK soccer coaches out here to lead a cute intro program for preschoolers. It’s a lot of games, running, hula hoops and a little bit of kicking soccer balls thrown into the mix. The timing is tough since I have to wake the girls up from their naps to make it on time. so they were groggy and cranky at their first practice, but claimed they liked it.

According to Jake, this is how most of the practice went down:

Pool time with the Wrights. Meredith was totally not interested, and I chased her around the perimeter of the pool the entire time.

At Pretend City, Meredith was finally old enough to really interact with the exhibits and her sisters were proud to show her around.

Meredith’s favorite place as of late has been the car… unless I try and buckle her in. The minute I open the garage, she starts hitting the car and squawking, toddler speak for open up! She likes to crawl all around the car and get in the driver’s seat. I’ve learned to let her play for at least ten minutes before we have to go anywhere or else have to summon up superhuman strength manhandling a screaming, strong toddler into her seat. Her favorite word recently is, “NO, NO, NO!”

A happy morning at the park. I must have had at least 450 birthday celebrations so far this year as the girls like to bake me birthday cakes and cupcakes three to four times a day in the sand. I’m always obligated to stick around for the birthday song and blowing out of candles to make it complete.

The girls’ Grace and Zen class is our all time favorite! It’s all very low-key and fun, with the kids learning cool animal yoga poses, a few simple ballet moves, and then they get to read a book, color an inspirational coloring page (last week’s was a mandala with the words “Peace begins with me”), and relax at the end with soothing music and an eye pillow scented with lavender. I really wish they had this exact same class for adults, coloring page included, because I would definitely be there.

Gymnastics with Meredith is wild and crazy. She will sit in her stroller with snacks for about fifteen minutes, before shrieking to get out and from then on, it’s just me chasing her everywhere. Unless I can find a class for them on the weekend or get a sitter for Meredith, the girls’ gymnastics days may be ending soon!

Due to Samantha’s eye appointments, Meredith and Amelia have been going on some Daddy-daughter lunch dates at the Spectrum by his work and have enjoyed having some special time together.

For my birthday, the girls each wrote and chose the illustrations for books they created at Storymakery. Sammy made me into a mommy fairy, while Amelia chose to make me into a mermaid. They loved authoring their first books and have made more at home with construction paper, marker and staples (which have turned out just as cute and creative, if not more so).

Meredith found no need to write a story when the keyboard was so entertaining.

Sammy shows off her favorite hair accessory and road rash from a biking accident.

The girls were looking at old pictures and came across the ones Aunt Sarah took of them in their dressers. They decided to recreate the look!



Somehow, the girls woke up and snuggled in my bed while I was showering, and pretended to be fast asleep when I found them.

During the frantic rush of routines that is bedtime, Meredith was reading by herself at the bottom of the stairs! While the twins love storytime now, they could never sit still long enough to so much as look at a picture book at that age. Meredith is so methodical with her page-turning, it really looks as if she’s reading! She will pull books off the shelf and bring them to me every nap and bedtime, flip through most of the pages with me, and then jump off my lap to select a new book. When things get chaotic, she just reads by herself!

Another Daddy Daughter date to cap off Spring Break!

Lots of love,
