Eleanor 6 Months

Eleanor is 6 months old!

6 month comparison– look at that round face!


At six months, Eleanor can sit up mostly unassisted, although she tends to topple over the second she sees something interesting and loses her balance.

At her 6-month check up, Eleanor didn’t so much as flinch when she got her shots. I think her chubby thighs must provide a nice layer of insulation against the needle! At 21 pounds, she’s above the 100th percentile in weight and 99th for height. She wears size 18-24 month clothing! She doesn’t seem that huge to me until I see another baby her age… she usually looks like she could eat them for breakfast.

Eleanor is still a champion sleeper, although she started waking up earlier in the morning once we got back from Hawaii. She naps three times a day and sleeps from 7 p.m. to 5:30-6:30 a.m.

Eleanor loves her shiny shoes, singing, grabbing hair, walks, chewing on toys, and all kinds of foods! Her favorite are purees that come from pouches, especially sweet potato, butternut squash, carrots and pears. She usually grimaces and tries to spit out the homemade baby food I make her in the Instant Pot, despite experimenting with different combinations of fruits and veggies and textures. I think she just likes to feed herself! If I feed her with the spoon, she’ll spend the entire meal trying to grab it out of my hand and stick it in her own mouth. Then, as soon as my back is turned, she’ll throw it on the ground. We average 5 or 6 spoons per feeding and are often out of baby spoons by the end of the day if I don’t do the dishes.

Still no teeth!

Eleanor’s absolute favorite part of the day is bath time. She flaps those fat little arms and tries to swim if we put her on her back, or splashes and giggles when she’s sitting up. Her second favorite part of the day is school drop-off and pick-up. She eats up all the attention she gets from her little perch in the Ergo carrier and gives her best coos and smiles to the teachers and other kids. No one can resist pinching her legs and cheeks.

Eleanor loves watching her sisters run around being crazy. She giggles and squeaks when they throw balls up and down or when they play peek-a-book with her.

Happy half birthday, Eleanor!

Lots of love,
