Christmas Sing Along 2018

Eleanor and Meredith clapped along (and in Meredith’s case, sang along) as Samantha and Amelia performed in their school’s annual Christmas Sing Along. The twins abhor crowds and being the center of attention, so since this was their third sing-along, the only thing I wanted them to improve on was not crying in the middle of the performance! Mission accomplished.

There were no tears this year, unlike last time:

Sing-Along 2016:

Sing-Along 2018:

Eleanor was so fascinated, especially by all those jingling jingle bells. Meredith clapped, tapped her jingle bells to the beat and sang her heart out in the audience. It will be fun to have her perform next year!

Kaylee, Amelia and Cooper.

The girls didn’t melt down this time, which is a first. When I asked them in the morning if they were actually going to sing, Amelia replied, “But it’s sooooooo long!” She has a point– the 45 minute performance could easily be cut down to 20 and still be cute!

They know all the Christmas songs/hand actions and sing them LOUDLY at home while running around like maniacs, but during any kind of performance, they are reserved. Their teachers don’t believe me when I tell them what they are like at home, because at school they are so quiet!


Last year, Amelia got overwhelmed toward the end and looked so forlorn!

This time, the girls sang some of the songs and opted out of others. Amelia just stared off into space most of the time– she does not like all the attention! Samantha attempted some of the hand actions and songs she liked.

Staring off into space…

Roly poly Eleanor:

Samantha decided she liked Rudolph well enough to participate for this one.

Lots of love,
