Thanksgiving 2 in Yucca and Palm Springs

The day after Thanksgiving, we had planned to drive a few hours to Great Aunt Linda and Uncle David’s house in Yucca Valley and spend some time with them and Grammy, Grandpa and Aunt Sarah, who drove out from Utah, and Uncle Mike and Ali who drove out from Wyoming. The whirlwind of the week of Thanksgiving, however, had finally caught up with me, and I woke up feeling exhausted and like a cold was coming on. That, coupled, with feeling nauseous and dizzy from morning sickness (all-day sickness, really), was enough to keep me in bed and sadly, unable to travel.

Jake was still up for taking all three girls, however, so after summoning up the energy to get them all packed, I bid farewell as they took off on their journey through the desert. While I wish I could have come to hang out with everyone for Thanksgiving weekend, a nice, restful three-day staycation at home was just what the doctor ordered!

Meanwhile, in the desert, the girls were having a blast on their extended Daddy-Daughter date (minus the not-so-fun extra few hours in the car both ways due to traffic over the holiday). Jake and the girls stayed at a Marriott condo in Palm Desert, and met up with our family at Great Aunt Linda and Uncle David’s house upon arrival for a second Thanksgiving feast. The next morning, they met up with everyone at the Living Desert Zoo in Palm Springs.

Getting the text updates at home made me miss everyone! They had so much fun riding camels and playing at the zoo that I don’t think they missed me!

Camel ride for two.

No camel ride for Meredith, so she had to settle for a ride on Daddy’s shoulders.

Silly Great Uncle David!

Posing for this picture is SO lame, Daddy.

Cheery Meredith is always up for saying a big “CHEESE!”

The adults try to catch up with Meredith.

Meredith was so excited to hold the birdies… until one bit her.

Hey, did that thing bite me?

Ouch! Whenever Meredith sees birds, she STILL talks about the “Bad birdie ouchie.”

NOT funny, Grammy!

The twins, fortunately, had a bite-free experience.

Feed the birds. Tuppence a bag.

Amelia the bird lady.

Sammy calls for one more bird.

Pizza time.

Taking a rest back at the condo after a busy day.

A pretty view, minus Jake’s monster feet.

Back in Yucca, the girls loved visiting the park by Great Aunt Linda and Uncle David’s house.

Riding the stagecoach.

Meredith got a little too dizzy spinning with Uncle Mike.

Before leaving back home, everyone met up for breakfast in town.

As a parting gift, Aunt Linda and Uncle David gave the girls a bunch of old hats from Uncle David’s mom’s house… perfect for dress up!

Jake and the girls had to take several rest stops on the way home because the holiday weekend traffic was so bad. Very glad I was not in the car with them!

When Jake and girls collapsed through the door, they looked like bedraggled travelers who had just completed a pilgrimage through the desert for months! They had a fun time, but the car ride and exhaustion from all the excitement had definitely taken its toll, especially on Jake!

Back at home, while I had spent a relaxing weekend resting and trying to curb my morning sickness, I had also torn the house apart all weekend looking everywhere, including the trash, for my wedding ring, which I had taken off while preparing Thanksgiving dinner and thought for sure it must have been accidentally thrown away! I was near hysterical when Jake and the girls returned, but fortunately, Jake found it behind one of our dressers without too much effort. I swear I had already looked there, but I blamed it on the pregnancy brain!

I missed everyone, but the girls loved their adventurous Thanksgiving and seeing our family. A big thanks to Great Aunt Linda and Uncle David for hosting, the rest of our family for helping with the girls in my absence, and Jake for letting me stay home in bed!

Lots of love,


Lazy Summer Days in Utah

After Jake flew home for the next week, the girls and I explored all the splash pads in Utah County (why weren’t those there when I was a kid?), visited with friends and family and mostly just hung out in the backyard. By Day Two, “Where is Daddy????” was the constant refrain/wail from the girls and compounded by the intense August heat, by Day Five, they were in complete meltdown mode. Still, we enjoyed our lack of a strict schedule and waking up every morning with no plans, but to see where the day took us. It was a “slow summer” (or as close as we usually get) at its finest.

Intuitively feeling a meltdown moment coming on, Grammy saved the day by pulling out a craft kit that lasted through those lazy, hot afternoons all week!

Good morning (hopefully)!

A little spider in her web.

Every day when Grammy got home from work, she’d find us lounging around in the backyard, with the kids begging me to push them on the swings, and me in an adirondack chair, pretending I couldn’t hear them. She took over kid duty for me, while I made dinner in peace (a welcome trade-off).

It was scorching hot by 10 a.m., so we tried to hit the trail early in the morning with a bike or scooter ride.

We visited the Highland, Springville, Orem, and Bluffdale splash pads, with Bluffdale and Springville being our faves.

Not only did Wardle Fields in Bluffdale have an enormous splash pad, waterfall, and a creek running through it, the girls were thrilled with the massive zipline and huge playground.

All the heat and humidity culminated in rain and thunderstorms one morning, so after a few hours of bounce house jumping at Kangaroo Zoo, we stopped at the iconic Taco Amigo on the way home… this one’s for you, Kati!

Uncle Mike provided comic relief during meltdown moments and accompanied the girls on a bike ride in the 90 degree evening heat!

Our other Uncle Mike was also there to be silly with the girls and trade off swing duty.

Meredith loved the revolving door of family coming in and out!

It didn’t get dark early enough for the girls to actually roast marshmallows at night, but they did roast them in the heat of the evening, and didn’t seem to mind.

Lounging with Aunt Sarah.

We met up with two of my high school friends at the splash pad in Springville and had quite the crew between us all. Meredith played with everyone, while the twins ran off and made some other completely random friend.

We also hung out with my friend, Katie, from teaching school, who moved to Utah last year. Her twins, Lizzy and Iris, were good sports playing duck duck goose with my twins (my girls’ rules of the game are iffy).

During our vacation, I was trying to transition Meredith to a one-nap day once and for all, and, as a consequence, she was a nightmare from 9 am-1 pm every day! When we visited Thanksgiving Point and rode the ponies, kind strangers offered to hold a screaming/kicking/banshee wailing Meredith while I helped the girls onto their horses and took pictures. Meredith alternated between shrieking in delight when we walked around to see the rest of the chickens, goats, horses, cows, llamas and other animals, and shrieking in anger whenever I pulled her back from climbing into the animal pens!

Jake arrived back in Utah a week later to three little girls clambering for his attention non-stop. I pretty much clocked out for the next week, being exhausted from the week before! Meredith and I took a long nap the day he came back, while he took the twins to the Gateway Discovery Children’s Museum in SLC with Grandma Celeste.

Checking out the train station.

It was an exhausting week for everyone!

Lots of love,


More 4th of July Pics

Backtracking a little bit to post more pictures from the Fourth of July that Aunt Sarah took. We are grateful to have Aunt Sarah as our personal photographer… if only she could follow us around all the time!

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Lots of love,


Heads in the sand

At the start of Meredith’s second week of life outside the comfort of the womb, she and I desperately needed someone quiet/alone time (a.k.a. five seconds without the twins!) Luckily, Uncle Mike, Ali, and Aunt Sarah were still in town and the Aronsons came down from LA to meet Meredith. When they all took the twins to Aliso Creek Beach, it was a blissfully peaceful afternoon for my mom, Meredith and me! Thanks for the pictures, Aunt Sarah.

Cousins Rhys, Jack and Eleri meet Meredith for the first time.


Being silly on the way to the beach.


A gorgeous day. If I hadn’t been having such a nice time at home napping with Meredith, I would have loved to have been there!



The gang was at the beach for a solid five hours– definitely the longest the girls have stayed occupied there.


Outsourcing hole digging to Uncle Mike.


Meredith_71 (1)

Meredith_77 (1)

Thanks for letting them eat sand, guys!


Sister torture.


Apparently, the girls started a trend.


Samantha looks like she’s thinking of doing something diabolical involving sand and Rhys’ mouth.




I’m thirsty!


When they returned home, the gang informed me that Amelia would sit in her hole for a few minutes and then ask to be let out, only to ask someone to dig her another hole a few minutes later. She really liked being immobile in her hole! Seems like a good containment strategy if I had some sand at home.




Party in the mini van while the girls conked out on the way home.


Since I haven’t been very many places the past month, it’s been fun looking at all the pictures people have taken for me whenever they go out with the twins. It will be nice to start getting out more with our whole family eventually; but, in the mean time, I’m content to hear about their experiences and let the girls practice their story-telling skills while recounting all their adventures!

Lots of love,
