American Cutie Pies 2017

4th of July 2013:

2014: Sorry, Meredith. With you being the third child, we no longer have the time/energy to spend an entire evening decorating a festive wagon for you.


2016 in Utah:

2017: Note the lack of coordinated outfits/done hair compared to past years (everyone wore dresses they already had that just happened to be blue or red). Yeah, we’re tired. Special holiday outfits and holiday photo shoots are a thing of the distant past at this point. But it might be better this way!

We crashed our our friend, Sheela’s, block party the day before the 4th and the twins must have gone up and down that waterslide a hundred times.

Getting soaked with a game of water balloon hot potato.

Grammy and Grandpa drove from Utah to see our new house for the first time and spend the week of the 4th with us.

The girls loved showing Grammy and Grandpa their favorite neighborhood attractions.

Picnic time while Jake and I were getting some house projects done.

Pass the La Croix, please.

The twins have been obsessed with climbing trees lately.

The girls were excited to swim at Grace’s pool and try out her water slide, although Meredith was such a pain that afternoon and did NOT want to be in the water with us.

Special delivery!

Bandit shows off his swimming skills.

BBQ time.


The morning of the 4th, I stayed home and unpacked more boxes while everyone went to the local pancake breakfast and waited for our tiny, but cute, local parade.

Meredith looked liked she grew into a two-year-old overnight! She’s so much bigger at 17 months that the twins were at the same age:

Amelia leads everyone in a rendition of a song they made up in honor of the 4th: “Three cheers for the red, white and blue!” (sung over and over again ad nauseam).

Daddy’s girls.

When will this dumb parade start?


Waiting for the parade in 2014 and 2015:

Please throw candy!

The highlight of the parade:

The twins concluded that, once again, the parade was worth it due to all the candy being thrown to them.

Amelia shows off her spoils in the parade a few years ago:

After the parade, everyone headed back  for our own neighborhood block party. We will always cherish the awesome block parties hosted by the Hossfelds in our old neighborhood, but we were also ready to make new 4th of July memories in our new one. Even though we had already met some of the neighbors, this was our first official meet and greet with everyone, and I didn’t see the twins for about three hours, thanks to the waterslide!

Amelia at one of our old neighborhood 4th of July parties:

We’ve finally found the key to being able to hold adult conversations more than five minutes while the kids are completely occupied:

Meredith on the 4th last year:

Juicy watermelon!

Nap time, anyone?


In the evening, we walked down to the carnival, where the twins were in carnival game heaven, and Jake



I promptly took advantage of Meredith being occupied with the shaved ice to walk her home and we were both fast asleep by 8 p.m.! Meanwhile, Jake, Grandpa and the twins hiked up the hill behind our house and stayed up to watch our local fireworks, as well as those from the beach and surrounding cities. I was happy to offload the firework responsibility to someone else and the girls were excited to finally be able to stay up late enough to see them (barely… the following day was rough).

Lots of love,


Last of Utah and Vegas Wedding

On our last day in Utah, we had plans to go to the Tracy Aviary in Salt Lake, but it closed early, so instead, we went to Liberty Park, which had received a major upgrade since the time Jake and I were living in Salt Lake. We drove past Jake’s dilapidated old bungalow house he lived in during college when we met, not far from the park. Memories! Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mike met us at Liberty for some playtime.

Meredith had the time of her life on the swings. Her soft little tufts of hair are totally irresistible– it’s the softest penguin fuzz ever!



Best. Day. Ever.

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Swing us!



After Liberty Park, we visited our friends, Alex and Hillary, in SLC. Their little girl, Ann, was a great sport sharing her toys with all the girls. She took Meredith’s poking and prodding like a champ!


Practicing chop stick skills.


We had a whirlwind week of fun in Utah and the girls were sad to leave Grammy’s… until they found out Grammy and Grandpa were coming with us part of the way on the return trip! Jake’s nephew was getting married in Vegas, and we had arranged for my parents to caravan down with us to watch the girls while we were at the wedding festivities. Not only did they come with us, my mom offered to take the twins in their car on the six hour drive to Vegas so that we would just have to worry about getting ourselves and Meredith there on time! Talk about gluttons for punishment… grandparents of the year!

We loaded the twins and gracious grandparents up with snacks, coloring books and movies in the minivan and wished them well! Meredith slept most of the way to Vegas and it was a very peaceful road trip on our end… it almost hearkened back to our pre-kids days!

Grammy found an awesome park in St. George, which was perfect for getting some energy out, and when they arrived in Vegas, they took the twins to see the Popovich Comedy Pet Theater Show (dog and cats dressed up and doing tricks) downtown.  Other than that, we didn’t hear much about their car ride… I’m assuming Grammy and Grandpa blocked it out of their memory!

Can’t believe we’ve never stopped at this St. George park before– looked awesome!

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Meanwhile in Vegas… Meredith was on her way to get ready for the reception.


When we arrived at the hotel, we realized Jake had accidentally packed my bag in the minivan, which my parents were driving. Not having anything to change into after being in the car for six hours, unshowered, I decided it would be best if he went to the luncheon while I hung back with Meredith until the minivan arrived. She was bored with the hotel room in about five seconds, so we walked around the grounds and went to the pool while waiting for Jake.


Jake’s nephews and niece on the Calaway side: Mason, Keitra, Alex, his bride, Bree, Reagan and Ben. 14725739_10207335522533799_3442186778346669710_n

After a long day, the twins were pretty cranky when we met up at the hotel, so we fed them quickly and left them (screaming from being overtired and confused) with my parents. We took Meredith to the reception with us and she mostly slept/was passed around and admired by all the family.

Jake with four of his brothers, Jarom, Tyler and Ben.


Some of the Whitehead siblings and siblings-in-law: Tyler, Gigi, Jarom and Jen.


Jake’s sister, Juliette, thought it was nice to hold just one baby for a change (she has two sets of twin boys, who are now in kinder and elementary!)

juliette  The next day, everyone woke up refreshed and ready to play. Jake’s family stayed at the same hotel, and we had breakfast with some of his family, as well as the girls and my parents. Then, we headed to the pool to burn some energy before going home.

The twins hung out with Grandma Celeste by the koi pond.


Meredith loves silly Uncle Kip! They have the same expression!


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Jake (conveniently) forgot to pack swim gear, so it was my turn to be in the pool with the twins for a change! It was a nice day, but the wind made being in the pool freezing.

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Snack time with Grammy.

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One of the pool servers apparently took pity on us and made it her mission to bring us extra lemonades, beach balls and suggested we go use one of the cabanas for free.


Thanks, Grammy and Grandpa for all your help! I’m sure the girls would have rather turned around and gone back to Utah with Grammy and Grandpa, but we hugged goodbye and went our separate ways. After exhausting themselves at the pool, we had the most peaceful drive back to California in history. We didn’t have to make any stops, and all of the girls slept for three and a half out of the four hours. Record shattering!


We ate out and let the girls run around the park by our house before getting home and collapsing from the journey. While waiting in the car for Jake to run in and grab some food before the park, we entertained Meredith with silly sounds. Meredith didn’t know what to think of us pronouncing Sammy’s name with a snake-like long “S” sound… she was simultaneously entertained and spooked!

Other than that, it was a cry-free trip home!

Lots of love,


Random Slices of Palm Springs

Between checking out their new digs and begging to watch a show before bed, the girls are always crazy the first night we stay somewhere, which translates into everyone being groggy and cranky in the morning. Morning cartoons and snuggles with Amelia and Meredith made it better!


Meredith’s favorite part of the day is bath time. She wiggles her legs so fast, she almost propels herself through the water.


The psychedelic activities room.


Chillin in my bus.


Making tote bags and leaving the mess there.


I’m pretty sure there was no glitter paint leftover after the girls were done with it.



One of the perks of being a twin is you always have someone with whom to ride the teeter totter.


Checking out the fountain while we waited for our lunch.


Samantha was upset after Jake pushed her down the waterslide without thinking– I was out of the pool with Meredith, so there was no one to catch her! Fortunately, a nice lady in the pool caught her as she plopped out the bottom, but Samantha and Amelia refused to go on the slide again after that.


The girls spent two whole days just diving in and out of the pool.

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Since it was mid-week when we were there and the crowds from the Coachella and Stagecoach concerts had left, we almost had the place to ourselves.


Pretending to be “sea snakes.”






Eating cherries off of our smoothies.


Meredith was alert and fascinated most of the time we were at the pool, but became overtired easily with all the overstimulation. Naps were not a problem during our vacation.


There was so much we wanted to do in Palm Springs that we didn’t get the chance to do (the tram up the mountain and the airplane museum are on our list for next time), but it was nice to escape the every day routine and get away for a few days. It was worth schlepping our millions of baby items there and back!

Lots of love,

