Four Five And Under Week 1

Our first week home with newborn Elle was a whirlwind of feeding, late nights, early mornings, and driving the other girls around to all their activities! Thank goodness Grammy and Aunt Sarah were there to help out. The twins were still in preschool three days a week through the end of June, so there was drop-off, pick-up, lunch packing and Helper of the Day to take care of, plus swimming lessons for all three. We divided and conquered, with me handling mostly just the baby, and Grammy and Aunt Sarah taking charge of the twins, Meredith and pretty much everything else.

Our first night home with Eleanor was rough! She was awake all hours of the night and Jake and I had a few moments of “What have we done??!!!” as the sleep deprivation began to take its toll. Exhaustion and feeling like a cow are all I remember about the first few weeks! Eleanor liked to sleep a lot during the day, which we hoped would reverse into more night sleeping soon as she got used to her new environment. To add to the mayhem, due to her elevated jaundice levels, Jake and I took turns carting her to the pediatrician for her check-up and then to the hospital lab for blood work every day that week. It was exhausting and one more thing to worry about! Fortunately, her levels went down on their own by Saturday and we didn’t need to take home a special lamp for phototherapy or admit her to the hospital.

Before Eleanor was born, we worried about how Meredith would take a new little sister in our crew, but she did the best out of everyone! She was eager to help grab diapers, toys, cuddle and help feed a bottle to Eleanor. The twins were also enamored of their baby sister and showed their preschool classes pictures and made cards for her. The girls were especially excited when Eleanor brought them some “nice to meet you” presents and toys, and were also happy when anyone came to visit since that usually meant they received some “big sister” gifts as well.

Showering the new babe with love! Photos by Sarah Arnoff

Kisses for Queen Eleanor.

Meredith’s antics always make for good photo opportunities.

Who needs camping when we can have s’mores in our backyard.

More photos from Week 1 (my cell phone pics because I was too out of it to take any good ones!)

Those newborn alien eyes!

Where am I??!!

The girls loved checking the mail every day for cute baby gifts from friends and family.

Aunt Sarah and the baby queen.

Dreamy smile.

Meredith always has way too much fun with Snapchat filters.

Since Eleanor was born on the day their preschool had their Daddy Daughter day, Jake took them out for pancakes another day to make up for not being there. The girls agreed it was an acceptable trade.

Samantha and Amelia are great climbers– their favorite is practicing in a tree at the end of our cul-de-sac.

The twins were always picking bouquets for me on their walks.

Saturday morning paddle boarding adventure in Newport while I stayed home with the baby.

Our twins club had a playdate/party at the park, complete with a little petting zoo, and a traveling reptile zoo.

Meredith meets a tortoise.

Eek snake.

Snuggle time! Mmmmm that newborn smell (and the smell of Dreft) is so delicious!

Grammy and Eleanor.

Meeting Great Grandpa.

Meeting Great Auntie Lynn and Great Uncle Steve.

It’s officially summer! Let the daily watermelon extravaganza begin.


Lots of love,


March Recap

Here’s our random March photo dump:

While almost everyone else stayed inside or went to indoor play gyms with their kids on rainy days, we took full advantage! It doesn’t rain very often and the girls always get so excited (plus, I wanted to get as much use out of our rain gear, which mostly gets neglected the majority of the year). The girls love to walk to the top of our neighborhood, place leaves in the gutter and run all the way down the street, following their journey downstream.

Singing in the rain.

Lots of spring cleaning happened, especially on rainy days.

Amelia: “Mommy– do you want to have kids so that they can do work for you?”

Me: “Yes, Amelia. You’ve figured it out!”

Rainy day fort building.

In between the rain we had some random hot days!

Checking out a new park with Gavin.

We go through about 1.5 billion pieces of construction paper per day as the twins LOVE to color/draw/paint, and Meredith tries to copy them (although she is not allowed to have markers anymore until she learns to put the caps back on consistently). The twins’ favorite is drawing hearts, rainbows, our family, cats, and themselves. They’ll run up to show me their creations and even though I’ve explained where they can hang up their most treasured works of art and that we can’t possibly save every single one of the drawings, heaven forbid they find them in the recycle bin! I have to be pretty sneaky about it.

On St. Patrick’s Day, Samantha, Amelia, Meredith, Maliyah and Allie created a “leprechaun nest” at the park in order to hopefully attract leprechauns. On our next visit there, the nest was mysteriously missing, so the girls concluded their experiment to lure leprechauns was a success.

Meredith and Sheela get some one-on-one time.

Our weekly Tuesday park date group!

Cupcake, yum!

Lazy day harmonica playing on the swing.

Park playdate with Parker, Maple, and Jenny.

Bug hunting.

The girls were so excited to have Great Grandpa over!

Post-church walk around the creek.

Meredith is the youngest out of the kids in her little gymnastics class, but she keeps up and can’t wait to go whenever we tell her it’s gym time. Her favorite part is putting on her leotard.


Check out my new shoes!

Making waffles on a Saturday morning.

Samantha and Amelia got it into their heads that they absolutely needed to perfect their cartwheels and practiced non-stop.

The twins attended their first baptism for their friend, Kennedy, and now they pretend to “baptize” each other in the bath.

Meredith on her Strider!

I normally don’t include stuff on this blog that doesn’t involve our whole family, but Sheela’s surprise 40th bday party is an exception because the girls helped out with the cake tasting, decor and other party planning shenanigans for months! Sheela’s husband, Todd, booked an awesome private room at a restaurant and was great with putting together the catering menu and so many of the little details. I was very impressed with his party planning organization! Phi, myself and our families had a blast in the months leading up to the party putting together the decorations, doing cake tastings (the husbands and kids were not complaining about that one!) and selecting the desserts. The party turned out amazing and Sheela was so surprised and loved it!

Todd ordered these hilarious “Sheela” face cut-outs, so this is what Sheela saw when walked into the room:

Phi and I were sad when it was over because we had so much fun with the planning! Between Sheela’s and the twins’ party, it was a March full of big events interspersed with everyday fun!

Lots of love,


Preschool Sing Along, Hanukkah Party and More December!

The twins had been practicing all month for their preschool Christmas sing-along and we were excited to come see their performance and all of the super cute pajamas! Even though they practiced with the hand-actions and sang all the carols ad nauseam at home, they were less than enthusiastic to perform in front of everyone! They looked tortured most of the time.

Putting on our happy faces when all the kids are in complete meltdown mode.

Samantha and Amelia’s less-than-enthusiastic Christmas carol performances! It was a long show with seven other songs beyond these, but they were all pretty much like the following, so you get the picture.

Even though Meredith was in the audience cheering her on, poor Amelia was feeling completely overwhelmed by the end and started melting down. I read my preschool sing-along post from last year, and apparently, it was Samantha who had a meltdown and threw herself into Daddy’s arms that year! I guess they are taking turns.

Last year:

Pouty elf Amelia.

It’s okay, sister elf!

Last year by the preschool tree:


A number from last year’s preschool sing-along:

Another fun preschool event was the annual Santa visit, storytime and milk and cookies! Samantha said she told Santa she wanted some new pajamas and chalk. Incredulous, Santa asked her if she wanted anything else and she said that was it! Amelia said the same thing minus the chalk (despite the fact that they already have 10+ pairs of pajamas between the two of them and we usually let them unwrap new pajamas on Christmas Eve anyways!)!

I’m sure Santa was feeling bad for these clearly underprivileged children! When they were looking through a catalog earlier in December, I asked the twins what they would like to ask Santa for, and after bypassing all the toys, they fell in love with these old-fashioned silky nightgown sets in purple and pink. So that’s what they told Santa! Samantha added in the chalk because a few months’ prior, Meredith broke all of our chalk in half and Samantha was super upset. I never got around to restocking on chalk, so she added that in her Christmas list as well!

Samantha and Santa.


Amelia and Santa.



Preschool Christmas crafts.

Amelia was super excited to give me her snowman mug and hot cocoa kit.

On a cold and drizzly weekday evening, we also went to visit Santa at the local Santa’s Village. I stood in line for a ridiculous hour and a half, while Jake took the girls around to get hot chocolate, cookies, watch the trains, listen to the carolers, watch an outdoor movie and look at the decorations. Once I saw the insane line, I would have left immediately, except that the twins were adamant that Meredith needed to see Santa and we didn’t have anything else going on that evening, besides being warm at home and not being stuck in the rain. Still, next year, I think we’ll stick to the preschool Santa visit.


Samantha and Amelia again told Santa they wanted pajamas (and chalk for Samantha), and Santa winked at me and added in that maybe he could bring them a few extra surprises! Noooooooo, Santa! Pajamas and chalk sounds like a great Christmas to me! Meredith was a little starstruck, so Amelia spoke for her and told Santa she wanted a personalized baking apron just like the ones they have because Meredith didn’t have one. That meant an unexpected last minute shopping trip for me…I mean, Santa… that week!


2016 Santa’s Village:

2015 Santa’s Village:

More Christmas fun! Our town has a house-decorating contest and some neighborhoods are super coordinated and went all out.  We explored a few of the extra decked-out neighborhoods and lighting contest winners with Parker, Maple, Phi and Michael. One fun neighborhood had hot chocolate and cookies for sale with proceeds going to charity and had their very own Grinch greeting all the kids.

Fortunately, our immediate street does not require everyone to go crazy for Christmas. This was an experimental year since it was our first Christmas in our new house.

Grandpa came into town from Utah and we went to see Disney on Ice with Noah and his family.

I thought the show was amazing, but the twins were pretty much there for the popcorn. They’ve never really been into shows. I’m glad I didn’t shell out more dough for the Nutracker this year!

Being goofy with cousins at Great Auntie Lynn’s and Uncle Steve’s for a Hanukkah dinner and gift exchange.

Attack Noah!

Grandchildren with Great Grandpa Leonard.

Meredith must have eaten 20 latkes single-handedly.

Bring on the goodies!

Great Grandpa and the Great Grandkids.

Lots of love,



Post-Thanksgiving Beach Day and Thanksgiving II

After a scrumptious Thanksgiving meal and fun morning with the Erpeldings, we headed home and everyone dozed off in a post-turkey coma. The best part about having Thanksgiving early in the day was being able to relax and not have to keep the kids entertained while preparing a huge dinner. Since it was a nice 80 degree day, we went to Aliso Creek beach that evening, where it was uncrowded, save for a few families roasting turkey legs and picnicking with their Thanksgiving fare around the fire rings. We may have to keep that in mind for next year! Stuffed, we just brought snacks, and lounged around until it was too chilly to sit on the cold sand once the sun went down. Early dinner + beach = awesome Thanksgiving tradition I’d like to replicate.

Mesmerized by seagulls.


Beach babes.


Peanut butter and jelly on Thanksgiving.


Thanks for that visual, Sammy.

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Note Amelia’s painted nails. The twins have been really into begging me to paint their nails recently. It’s miraculous how long they can sit still while their nails are drying. All it takes is the right motivation!


Stuffed turkey.



Like a baby turtle, crawling to the sea…

We felt bad that Bandit didn’t get to partake in any turkey, so we brought him along to enjoy the salty air.


They girls and Jake built a pretty sturdy castle that withstood the waves crashing down on it several times. We kept having to move all our stuff up because of the high tide, and more than once, I had to grab Meredith and run for it before we got soaked.


Meredith could spend hours feeling the sand in awe and letting it slip between her little fingers. Unlike the twins at her age, she usually doesn’t try to eat it. We think she’ll be our smart one.


That night, after putting the kids to bed, it was time to bust out a second Thanksgiving meal for Great Grandpa, whom we had invited over for Thanksgiving II the next day. Jake and I tag teamed making sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and roasting a turkey that night while watching a movie. I enjoy cooking, so throwing together Thanksgiving II in the wee hours of the night was a fun challenge, and Jake tolerated it due to being able to watch a movie at the same time.

We had leftover cranberries and stuffing from our first Thanksgiving meal, and only needed to reheat everything, plus throw together some green beans, carrot gratin, and Brussels sprouts before Grandpa arrived. Pre-cooking everything the night before and reheating it worked out great, except for the turkey, which was about ten minutes away from becoming the parched Griswold Family turkey debacle.  Slathered in gravy, the turkey wasn’t inedibly dry, but we will definitely have to practice to get it perfect in case we end up doing it again!

The kids didn’t mind.img_1659

Everything was Meredith approved.


Best buds. img_1669

There’s something about Great Grandpa that brings out the silliness in the twins. They get so excited whenever he comes over!


The rest of Thanksgiving weekend, Jake had to catch up on work that had piled up, so the girls and I hung out, put up our Christmas decorations, and feasted on leftovers. Meredith had a minor panic attack when the girls pranked her by telling her there were no more sweet potatoes:


Phew. You guys were just kidding.


We checked out a new park we hadn’t been to before and Meredith had the time of her life hanging out with the big kids.

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Meredith is obsessed with play structures and climbed in and out of this tube for a solid thirty minutes. She is crazy adventurous whenever we go to the park and will crawl up and down the structures like it’s a piece of cake. We always have to be vigilant following close behind her because she truly has no fear.


Four minutes of Meredith crawling in slow mo because I was too lazy to clip it shorter:

I wish Meredith would move in slow mo in real life… it’s exhausting keeping up with her!

Lots of love,


