Trials and Tribulations/Valentine’s Photos

Oh what a week!

Much like last week, Jake has been working like crazy on his arbitration (like an informal trial with just a judge instead of a jury. There’s opening/closing statements, witnesses, cross-examinations, and the like, but instead of the jury handing down the decision, the judge decides. It’s basically “Trial Lite”).

Anyway, much like last week, Samantha and Amelia have literally not seen their beloved Daddy in four days. He’s been leaving for work well before the break of dawn and coming home well after the girls have been in bed. Samantha and Amelia (and Bandit!) are definitely missing him. Whenever they hear a neighbor or someone else’s car pull up, all three of them perk their ears up in anticipation, and are visibly disappointed when they realize it’s not Daddy.

It will be a nice reunion when the arbitration is over (this weekend? Next weekend?)  and he can hang out with the girls again (and by “reunion,” I mean Daddy-Daughter diaper changing/feeding/playing/bath time/clean-up date for the entire weekend while Mommy gets a pedicure and works on craft projects). Yes, a sweet reunion it will be.

I wish we could go to Jake’s trial Legally-Blonde style with pom poms and start cheering, “Vote for Jake!” from the gallery.

So that’s the trial part of our week (hardy har har!) The tribulations part has to do with the plethora of maladies plaguing the twins right now. Of course, they just HAD to have two massive teeth each poking through their upper maxillas (I like to pretend taking Anatomy/Physiology in high school and college wasn’t pointless by using science lingo whenever I can) this week of ALL weeks.

It’s official–both girls officially have FOUR teeth.

These two gigantic white icebergs of enamel decided to cut through at the same time, making for rivers of drool and a whole lot of crankiness. These teeth are seriously MASSIVE! We are not talking cute little nibs of baby teeth; we are talking REAL PEOPLE teeth. It kind of grosses me out, actually, because it even LOOKS painful. So, the girls have been clingy, cranky, tired and generally in foul moods all week.

I don’t know if it’s a side effect of teething or something unrelated, but both girls had runny noses all last week. Amelia’s got better within a few days, but Samantha’s cold worsened over the weekend and by Saturday night, she had a temperature of 101. She was pretty lethargic and was acting so unlike her happy Sammy self Sunday and Monday that I couldn’t help but strap her in the Ergo and carry/cuddle her all day. We took her to the doctor on Monday and she was diagnosed with an ear infection. Poor baby!

Samantha is doing a lot better now, but she’s still clingy and wanting to be held every second. The good news in all this is that Amelia has been quite the understanding little sister. While I’m holding Samantha or reading a book to her, Amelia has been playing by herself across the room and hasn’t been visibly jealous of the extra attention her sister is receiving. If I walk into another room while holding Samantha, I’ll tell Amelia to follow me, and she’ll crawl along, following me wherever I go like a puppy.  It’s as if she knows Samantha needs a little extra TLC right now and wants to help however she can. Simply adorbs!

There have been limits to Amelia’s sympathy, however. Amelia has taken advantage of Samantha feeling under the weather and has become extra aggressive at stealing her Wub or other toys. Samantha just doesn’t have the fight in her to go after Amelia when she steals something, so she usually just breaks down and cries, while looking up at me with huge, sad deer eyes, imploring me to intervene. I feel bad for her, but it’s pretty funny!

Both girls go in for the steal.

Amelia has also taken to stealing food from Samantha. Usually, Samantha is the one done with her meal first, and while Amelia is still snacking, I clean Samantha’s tray and hands/face. As soon as I take her tray away and clean her up, she starts reaching over and stealing food off of Amelia’s tray. Every time. Without fail.

Anyway, Samantha has been picky with her food since she’s been ill, so this week, I’ve been cleaning up Amelia first while Samantha finishes. As soon as I clean her up, Amelia has been giving her sister a taste of her own medicine by stealing food off her tray. When Samantha does this, Amelia doesn’t really mind. As soon as Amelia started doing it back, however, Samantha has gone into complete hysterics. Of course, Amelia thinks it’s all hilarious and Samantha’s anger only fuels Amelia’s desire to stuff more of her sister’s food into her mouth.

That’s been our week in a nutshell. It can only go up from here!

To cheer myself up, here are some random pictures I took of the girls a few weeks ago to bump up the cuteness quotient of this post.

Playing nicely.
Our serious Samantha bear.
Our happy Amelia bug.

Lots of love,


Happy Valentine’s Day!

I never got around to taking any Valentine’s pictures this week because we’ve been busy enjoying the hot 80 degree weather and playing outside!
Hey there!
We’d like to see you try and make us wear our sun hats. BWAHAHAHA. 
Baby Linden was also at the park this week and totally recognized the girls from when she met them on Monday. For some reason, my phone had some kind of filter on it while I was taking pictures. 
Wednesday was particularly warm, so instead of trekking to the big park, I walked the girls and Bandit up the street to the baseball diamond, which has a large field and lots of trees. Thanks to our successful outing with Marisa at the park the other day, I was feeling pretty over-confident and thought I’d let both monkeys out at the same time. What’s the worst that could happen? 
I had an intense work out running to grab Twin A, setting her down by the stroller, running back and grabbing Twin B, setting her by the stroller, by which time Twin A had already crawled back to where I had first picked her up, miles away. Both girls thought it was hilarious seeing me sweat and literally giggled gleefully as they dashed across the field, looking back to make sure I was chasing them. It seriously felt like I was doing P90X sprints and lunges with 25-pound weights. I’ve seen ads for those baby/mommy workout classes where you jog with your baby in the stroller with other moms…I think baby chasing/lifting needs to be added to the routine. It will become the latest work out craze for sure!

Finally, the girls got distracted by Bandit’s leash enough to stay in one place. 

Bandit, in the mean time, had seen me chasing the girls and thought he would join in the game by  running around the field like a doggie lunatic. 

As a special 11 month birthday treat, we went out to dinner with Jake’s brother-in-law, Kip, and his three sons who were here all the way from Mattawa, WA attending some kind of farming convention. Even though the girls stayed up almost 45 minutes past their bed time, they amazed me by being little angels at the restaurant and only had a minor pre-bed time melt down when we got home. Way to make a good impression, girls!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

