Meredith’s Family Birthday Celebration

Meredith’s actual first birthday fell on a boring old Thursday, but we spiced it up a bit by having a little family celebration of our own before her big party the following weekend.

Party in my crib!

The only picture I have of Meredith in the little party hat I made her! She was supposed to wear it at her party, but adamantly refused.

We did our traditional funfetti birthday pancakes in the morning.

No, we did not let her get close to touching the flame.

Jake had a board meeting that night, so we had an early dinner and cake, which the girls helped me make. It was completely refined sugar-free, made with applesauce and bananas as a sweetener, and actually turned out tasty! There was no taking the sugar out of the frosting, unfortunately, since we made buttercream frosting loaded with powdered sugar. Meredith couldn’t believe her good fortune!

So excited I just can’t handle it!

Lots of love,


Meredith Turns the Wild ONE

Nothing has changed from yesterday to today, but for some reason, Meredith suddenly seems so much less a baby. She still loves her bottle and blankie, but squirms away when she’s done being cuddled, off to explore the world. Her vocab consists of four intelligible, but she is constantly listening, mimicking, babbling and becoming more precise in tone and more expressive in her needs. She’s still crawling and cruising with lightening-quick speed, but stands by herself just a few seconds more than she used to before wobbling to catch herself on the furniture. She’s inching closer and closer to becoming a toddler, but, fortunately for my heart, there’s still a fair amount of baby left in her to relish.

This coming year will bring her closer and closer to more independence, and I’m holding on to every last vestige of her babyhood while I still can!

Happy first birthday, to our sweet, joyful Meredith!

Lots of love,


Meredith 9 Months

Hi there! I love being 9 months old!


Samantha, Amelia and Meredith 9 month comparison:


Meredith’s 9 month stats: 22.5 pounds, 30 inches. Over the 97th percentile, once again. I can feel every pound of it.


Meredith reached a plethora of milestones at 9 months. Just prior to her 9 month birthday, she said her first words “Baba” (although at first, it sounded like, “Mama.”) Jake and I were both there and after she said it a few times and was  gleeful when we brought her bottle to her, we both concurred her first word was indeed “Baba.” She perfected “Mama” a week later, and a few weeks after that, started in on “Dada.” It’s been mostly “Dada” ever since, with a few “Mamas” and “Babas” here and there.


I figured Meredith would reach her gross motor milestones faster than the twins had, seeing as she has the twins to emulate and keep up with, but she’s actually been consistently about a month or so behind where they were with big movements.

By her 9 month birthday, Meredith was rocking back and forth on her hands and knees, and could back up, but was incredibly frustrated trying to move forward. A few days after her 9 month birthday, something clicked and she’s never looked back. The twins, on the other hand, were crazy crawlers by their 8 month birthdays and were already pulling up to stand. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering Meredith is carried around/in her car seat/stroller/high chair and on the go to the girls’ activities a lot more than the twins ever were. Back when the twins were born, we spent tons of time at home, on the floor, and outside on the grass. I couldn’t carry the twins at the same time, so they had to learn to move FAST!

Amelia and Samantha in “jail” at 8 months:





Interestingly, Meredith has consistently been far beyond where the twins were with fine motor skills, cognitive skills and verbal skills. Maybe there’s a tradeoff? It’s amazing to me that she actually manipulates objects and concentrates on toys for long-ish periods of time… she will pick up objects off the floor, blades of grass, cheerios, whatever, and just move them around in her hands, finding every possible use for them. It’s fun seeing those little wheels turning in her head as she discovers new things.  Her favorite activity is helping me build block towers and then shrieking with delight when she knocks them down. The twins NEVER found this fascinating!

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Meredith is also a lot more vocal about letting us know what she wants. Gone is that mellow baby… she’s found her voice and knows how to use it.


Meredith loves all finger foods– sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, butternut squash, ravioli, pasta, cheese, green beans, asparagus, banana, apple, pear, mango, grapes, salmon, meat, chicken, pita bread, eggs, bagels, and avocado being among her faves.  She only has two teeth, but man, do they work hard. Her most requested dish is definitely Spaghetti Pie, but I can only handle this one on days I’m willing to deal with a colossal amount of cleanup.


Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the messiest baby of them all?  Samantha is still the reigning champ, with Amelia close on her heels. messyfaces

Yep, definitely Samantha.


Whenever I’m about to complain about Meredith’s messy adventures in solids, I just think back to these little horrors:


Meredith’s 9 month recap: The star of the neighborhood!


She is a social butterfly and loves all the little kids flocking over to play with her. Note the twins are off playing by themselves!


Meredith enjoyed rooting for the Utes… unless it’s 85 degrees at the Rose Bowl. Can’t blame her on that one.



Park playdates were a lot easier before she was crawling everywhere.


First trip to Tanaka Farms.

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First fall trip to Utah and loving every minute of the swings.

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Meredith enjoyed the fall colors in Utah on our hike.






Meredith was soooooo close to crawling at Grammy’s.


S’mores! ‘Nuff said.


Pool day in Vegas on our way home.


Playdate with Maple and Owen. img_0879

Meredith’s proudest accomplishment this month was waiting until I was distracted so that she could lunge forward and grab a fist-full of frosting the girls were using to decorate Halloween cookies. Verdict: delicious.


As always, she idolizes her sisters (and is simultaneously terrified of them!)


Happy 9 Months, Meredith!


S’mores, Meredith’s First Tooth, and Almost Crawling

Grammy, Uncle Mike and Ali built a fire pit while we were in Utah and the twins were honored to be the first ones to try it out! If only we had had this when we were having backyard campouts as kids!

Roasting s’mores and hot dogs with Grandpa.


Meredith awaited her version of s’mores (i.e. graham cracker) patiently.


Samantha and Amelia pretty much consider themselves experts at s’more making by now.

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Oh yeahhhhh!


Since birth, Amelia has always been the least messy of the two.



Where’s mine?


It’s about time!



Helping themselves to seconds and thirds.


Other backyard fun included the ever popular (and probably hazardous) glider.


Play doh is a winner wherever we go.


Rosy cheeked Meredith seemed constantly in awe of her new surroundings.


She reached several milestones in Utah, including her first tooth!


She also started rocking back and forth and crawling backwards for the first time!


She was sooooo close to crawling forward! Just a little more practice! Her frustration was real!


Lots of love,
