4th of July 2015

4th of July 2013:


4th of July 2014:


4th of July 2015:


Time flies!

This 4th of July, for the second year in a row, we joined the Wright family and watched the local parade together. It was short and sweet– 20 mins of fire engines, people riding bikes and scooters, a few DIY floats, and lots of kids throwing candy. In short, perfect for the attention spans of Samantha, Amelia, Maliyah and Allie.

Oh say can you seeeeeeeeeeee!


Amelia 2013 and 2014:



Samantha enjoyed waving her flag with gusto!


Samantha 2013 and 2014:

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Proud to be an American.

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Let’s get this party started!

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The All-American Cutie Pies. IMG_6625 IMG_6629IMG_6630

Watching the parade, 2014. Can’t believe we forgot the tattoos this year!


You promised people throwing candy!

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Amelia was intense about waving to the people throwing candy and then running into the street to grab some before she got trampled by bicycling patriots.



Allie wanted in on the fun!IMG_6644

Samantha was very nonchalant about the whole thing. She somehow bribed Amelia to run out into the street for her and grab candy so that she could sit back in her chair and relax.

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After the parade, we played at the park with Maliyah and Allie and then we all went home for a nice nap. When the girls woke up, it was time to hit our neighborhood toddler block party, hosted by Amy! Amy and Jim brought out their bbq into the front and we all enjoyed grilling and sharing each other’s side dishes.

Amy had two coolers of water balloons that disappeared in 45 seconds flat.




Splat. IMG_6682

Water table fun. IMG_6657

Ms. Phi brought over Parker’s bounce house which was a huge hit!IMG_6669

Get all that energy out, Amelia!IMG_6670 IMG_6652

Between water balloons, the water table, and bbq sauce everywhere, almost all the kids had to change into their back-up outfits. Bubble time!


Putting on their cutest faces in exchange for a piece of cake. IMG_6690 IMG_6696

Everyone cracked up at Samantha and Amelia’s expressions once they received cake– they looked awe struck. Is this ok, mom? Can this really be happening? 


Samantha didn’t even know where to start!


Amelia savored every bite!


Back to Samantha.


Parker asked me to take several pictures of himself with the girls and then “text them to him.”


These kids! We were hopeful Samantha and Amelia would make it late enough to see some fireworks, but just like the past two years, they snoozed through the whole thing!IMG_6711

Snoozing through the fireworks at the Marriott, San Diego in 2013:


Even though many other of the kids also conked out before fireworks, we adults stuck around to pump up the 90s playlist Amy had going, monitors in hand. Our attempts at cleaning up the food somehow erupted into an impromptu nerf gun fight, boys vs. girls with the adults and the kids who were still awake. That’s how we moms and dads party around here!

Maybe next year the girls will stay up late enough to join in!

Lots of love,


American Cutie Pies: Part 2

The following constitutes Part Two of our 4th of July 2014.
So, after refusing to try their hot dogs (although the girls did chow down on their corn on the cob), Samantha and Amelia begged to parade around in their patriotic twin-mobile one last time. Actually, I just wanted to take pictures of them and begged them to go on a walk for a few minutes. 
 After all, it would only be a matter of minutes before the girls obliterated our handiwork on the wagon. 

The girls alerted Bandit that there was a bunny innocently nibbling the grass, and as soon as we unleashed him, to the delight of the girls, he was gone down the hill as fast as his short little doggie legs could carry him. 

Samantha giggled and giggled…

…While Amelia preoccupied herself with all of the strange red, white and blue decor messing up her wagon. 

Still watching Bandit. 

What IS this stuff? 

See my pretty necklace? 

 Let freedom riiiiing!

Samantha: “Here, kitty, kitty. Come and get it!” 

I’m busting outta here. 

Don’t wave the flag in my faaaaaaaaaace!

After reaching their breaking point in the wagon, we walked down the hill and let the girls out so they could run around. 

Taking advantage of their newfound freedom. 

 We decided to forgo the patriotic flip flop the girls had worn earlier that day so that they wouldn’t be tripping constantly (although, watching the girls walk in them was admittedly pretty funny.)

 Retrieving the little rebels after they ventured too far. 

Clearly not feeling the Independence Day spirit.  

Oh say can you seeee!

By the dawn’s early liiiiiiiight!

Proud to be an American. 

Where I’m free to wear any headband I want (as long as mommy approves).



Classic mischievous Sammy. 

 Here, doggie doggie. 

Where are you, Bandit? 
Meltdown imminent. Time to go.
Since they refused their afternoon nap, the girls were absolutely exhausted by the time 6 p.m. rolled around and fell asleep within seconds after putting them down at 6:20. That’s got to be some kind of record for them!
After it got dark, we plucked the sleeping twins from their cribs and gently snuggled them into their carseats, without so much as a peep. We drove to an overlook at the top of Ladera where we met up with the Wrights, ate some berry trifle (yum) and watched the Ladera fireworks, as well as several other shows from around the area. 
Just like last year, Samantha and Amelia slept through the entire thing! We left them in the car with the windows cracked while we sat in front of the car to watch the shows and chat; even with the windows open, the girls didn’t wake up. Funny how they can sleep through an entire fireworks show/people talking/kids shouting, but if I so much as tip-toe by their room when they are napping, they immediately get up. 
The girls’ friend, Maliyah, however, was wide awake for the whole thing and listening to her shout, “Kaboom!” after each firework was pretty much the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. 
Next time she saw the girls, Maliyah really rubbed it in that Samantha and Amelia had missed the show. They vowed to never let them happen again.
4th of July 2013: the girls slept through the fireworks, just like this year. Side note: Remember when they used to sleep in Sleep Sacks?

4th of July 2015 will be the year the girls stay awake for fireworks– I can feel it!
Lots of love, 

American Cutie Pies: Part 1

Last year for Independence Day, the girls were only four months old and were a lot easier to take places since they basically just ate and slept all day without needing to be entertained.  
Photographic evidence that at one point in their lives, we could place the girls somewhere and they wouldn’t move!
Samantha, 4th of July 2013
Amelia, 4th of July 2013
Last year, we stayed in a hotel in San Diego and watched the fireworks from our balcony while the girls slept. The next day, we lounged by the pool and strolled with the girls around town. (Last year’s 4th of July here and here).
So little!

This year, the girls were 15 months old and were able to take part in some of the festivities this time around. 
(Due to the ridiculous amount of pictures from the 4th, I’m dividing the holiday into two posts). 
Decorating the girls’ patriotic wagon the night before. Can you tell the 4th of July is my all-time favorite holiday? 

An Independence Day breakfast of whole wheat pumpkin waffles with blueberries, strawberries and yogurt. 

After breakfast, we made our way down to the Ladera parade where we met up with the Wrights. Samantha put her feet up and enjoyed the ride. 

Next year, we will definitely register to actually be in the parade (anyone can walk in it). This year, we just watched. 

I want to be in the parade!

Staying cool. 

It took Samantha a long time to finally warm up to all the excitement. She very uncharacteristically sat by us the entire time while Amelia ran around exploring. 
Waiting for the parade to begin.  
We brought little spray bottles with water to help keep cool–the girls refused to let them out of their sights. 

The parade was small, short and sweet–just our style. 

Not impressed so far. 

Now we’re talkin’.

Once she figured out that some of the parade walkers were throwing treats to the audience, Amelia spent the rest of the parade front and center.

Samantha loved the necklace and bracelet someone threw her. 

Best view in the house. 
 Toward the end, the girls decided they didn’t care if they technically weren’t registered to march in the parade– they didn’t come dressed up for nothin’!

Mmmm…cheese stick…

Hi Maliyah!

All tatted up! Samantha sported the eagle and Amelia wore the flag.  

Maliyah and Amelia decided to have their own parade. 
A rare moment when the girls were not tripping in their 4th of July flip flops. 

Samantha scouts out any leftover candy. 

We spent most of the parade keeping the candy the girls picked up out of their mouths, but a tootsie roll or two slipped past our watch. HUGE mistake. Having never really eaten candy or anything with sugar (except for the smash cake on their birthday), the girls’ reaction to a few licks of candy was to go C-R-A-Z-Y when we got back for lunch.

Not only did they refuse to eat most of their lunch when we got home from the parade, we spent a good two hours trying to put them down for their naps to no avail. They’ve started skipping their morning nap every once in a while, but never in the history of their lives have they ever skipped their afternoon nap. We were afraid….very afraid.

 Sugar–NEVER again, girls!

Packing up for home. 

Our Yankee Doodle sweethearts!

They’re our Yankee Doodle joys. 

After lunch and NOT napping, we decided to forge ahead with our original plans and go swimming with the Wrights. The girls were a little cranky, but were not as horrible as I thought they would be considering they skipped their nap. 
The girls learned how to jump in to the pool at swim lessons and now they can’t get enough of it. And by jump, I mean leap into our arms without abandon. 
Pool pals. 
After swimming and showering off, we went home to eat dinner. This was the first day Jake and I were off of our Whole30 program and we celebrated by eating a little dairy, carbs and even dessert, thereby gaining back any weight we had lost during the past month. 
Jake and I had a “gourmet” hot dog cook-off wherein we each chose a hot dog and toppings to make and then taste-tested small chunks of each other’s creations to determine the winner. 
First place: “Apple and Brie Dog” by me
A Trader Joe’s Sweet Apple Chicken Sausage on a french roll with honey mustard, diced green apple and melted brie. YUM. It was so good, we had it again the next day for lunch.
Second Place: “Hawaiian Dog” by Jake
A regular beef hot dog on a wheat bun slathered in bbq sauce, with chunks of fresh grilled pineapple and coconut flakes on top. 
Third place: “Chicken Cordon Bleu Dog” by me
A chicken sausage on a wheat bun wrapped in ham and swiss cheese, then grilled and topped with panko bread crumbs. This one was alright, but was definitely lacking in something–maybe marinara?
 The girls tried regular hot dogs for the first time and decided they didn’t care for them. Maybe they were eyeing the Apple and Brie Dog and felt short-changed.
Hey! Where’d the dog go? 
Nope. Not going to eat it. 

Stay tuned for 4th of July Part Two!
Lots of love, 

4th of July Part Two

Besides lounging and napping, our mini vacation included lots and lots of photo shoots. After all, the girls will only have ONE first 4th of July and won’t have many chances to wear these dresses!

Samantha trying out to be the Gerber baby. 

 What a chub.

 Amelia’s turn. 

Love the drool. 

While we were taking pictures, there was a little boy on the floor above us who kept looking down at us a through a crack and exclaiming, “Look, Mom! TWO babies!” When the girls started fussing, he called down to them, “Awww, don’t cry babies…it’s ok!”

         Samantha and Amelia tried REALLY hard to stay up for the fireworks, but didn’t quite make it. Maybe next year…

We had a great view of the fireworks, which looked amazing over the water, and it was pretty fun chatting with the other people out on their balconies enjoying the show. I was pretty impressed that the fireworks stayed in sync the entire time as there were four different barges scattered on the water, setting off the exact same fireworks. I was also amazed that the girls didn’t wake up, even though we could feel strong vibrations with each POP. I guess the company that put on the show this year made it a bit longer than normal since their show last year was a complete fail. All the fireworks went off at the same time and only lasted 30 seconds!


On Friday, we took a stroll down the boardwalk and walked around Seaport Village. Again, I loved the fact that we didn’t have to pack up and get in the car at all the entire trip! Everything was in walking distance. 


      Same dresses, different bows for pictures today. I couldn’t resist using their dressed one more time!

Our one casualty on the trip: Amelia’s caterpillar Wubbanub pacifier. Must have fallen out somewhere as we strolled along the cobblestone streets of Seaport Village. We replaced it with a monkey Wubbanub when we got home. 

Double the patriotism. 
I was having Jake pose with Samantha, when a lady came up and kindly offered to take a picture of the three of us. The lady was shocked when I said, “Wait, I have another baby!” and pulled Amelia out of her stroller for a family picture.

In summary, lots of napping, eating, strolling, lounging, and more napping took place during our first mini-vacation with the girls! It definitely turned out to be a lot easier and more laid back than I thought it would be, and I was surprised at how quickly the time passed considering we didn’t actually “do” much. 
B.T. (Before Twins), our “vacations” were jam-packed full of activities from 6 a.m. until we collapsed at night, so I was pleasantly surprised that even without a ton of things planned, we still had a great time. For me, getting out of the house and going pretty much ANYWHERE is a vacation, so being in such a beautiful location definitely exceeded expectations and provided a much-needed respite from the daily grind. The successful experience gave me hope that we will be able to venture out a bit farther the next time without having to tow along a U-Haul full of baby stuff with us!

Lots of love,
