Happy 6th Birthday Samantha & Amelia

For the girls’ 6th birthday this year, we gave them the choice of having a big party with all their friends like last year, or going on a trip/activity. Without hesitation, they chose going to Grammy’s in Utah and going skiing! We went at the end of February and had a little early celebration in Utah.

For their actual birthday, we celebrated as a family and the girls had their much-anticipated birthday celebration at school.

Early morning birthday balloon drop!

The girls love seeing their birthday poster hung up outside and their birthday wreath on the door.

Our traditional Funfetti birthday pancakes!


Later on, the sugar overload continued with a unicorn birthday cake.

The girls’ answers change weekly.

Presents from Aunt Sarah!

Waxing nostalgic with Polly Pockets from Grammy!

Cake face.

Bonus treat– Great Auntie Lynn took the girls out for Yogurtland!

Even more exciting that  celebrating as a family is the school celebration. The girls look forward to it every year! They get to bring in a birthday poster with pictures and sing “The Earth Goes Round the Sun” and walk around the circle for each year of their life. Their favorite part is getting to make their own cake in class and licking the spoon!

Samantha makes her cake.

Birthday twins!

Lots of love,
