Eleanor 2 Months

At Elle’s 2 month doctor’s appointment, the nurse couldn’t believe how much she had grown and re-checked her height and weight three times just to be sure! Eleanor was over the 100th percentile for weight and was in the 98th for height. Then, our pediatrician walked in and said, “She’s a Whitehead baby. Totally normal.” Eleanor is one huge baby, but not out of the norm for our family!

Height: 24 inches

Weight: 15 pounds

Photos by Sarah Arnoff. 

At around 6 weeks, Eleanor started to drop the middle of the night feed (1 or 2 a.m.) and at 8 weeks, she started sleeping through the night 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. consistently. She’s a star baby.


Baby Elle is our most smiley/giggly baby at such an early age. She loves to be held, danced with, tickled, swung, and to go for stroller rides. Her favorite is when all her sisters make silly faces, dance, and sing to her– she cracks up like they are the most hilarious people in the world.

Elle must know that she is #4 and has to go with the flow– she’s pretty chill and unfussy, unless she’s tired or hungry (we have that in common).

Showing off her triple chin.

From left to right: Meredith, Eleanor, Amelia, Samantha, Meredith again.

A chunk like her sisters!

Eleanor and her varied expressions:

Lots of love,
