Strawberry Picking at Tanaka Farms

We’ve been alternating our spring berry picking between Tanaka Farms and South Coast Farms since the twins were 18 months old. This year, I took the girls on a weekday morning to Tanaka when it wasn’t too crowded. Nothing beats those fresh, huge, juicy strawberries!

Riding the wagon around the farm– not my favorite bumpy ride due to my huge belly!

The wagon stopped a few times and our guide brought over tons of fresh vegetables for everyone to try. The girls tried fresh onion, celery, kale, cilantro, carrots, and radishes– and actually ate them!

We were allowed to eat the berries as well as pick them and I thought the girls would be sick from all the strawberries they ate!

We had to keep an eye on Meredith who kept picking the little green baby strawberries.

Time to go home and devour the rest of our pickings!

Lots of love,
