Memorial Day beach birthday party

We spent a very cloudy/gloomy Memorial Day celebrating something bright and fun– our friend, Nate’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-themed first birthday! S and A had no clue who TMNT was, but loved the turtle decor anyway.

Amelia and Samantha have this whole birthday thing down…. except whenever I tell them we are going to a birthday party, they start shouting, “Cake! Balloons! Elmo! Tacos!” No girls, no Elmo or tacos. It’s nice to know they still remember and appreciate their own birthday party– a whole two months later!

Samantha wouldn’t let anyone within a ten foot radius of her beach ball– even when she fell down on the asphalt trying to keep it away from Amelia, and got a huge goose egg on her head! At least she secured the valuables. 

Because who doesn’t like to have sand down their pants? 
Amelia chilled in her cocoon. 

Samantha and her beauty mark. 

If only I could stick them in a full-body sand entrapment at home…
Amelia is an expert at annoying her sister!
Making some sand cupcakes. 
The girls’ favorite part of the party was the water table set up for the three and under crowd. 

Nate’s coming to get me!


Made it out alive before two gigantic twins could catch me!

My definition of a successful outing: 
Lots of love, 