And the Award for First Twin to Break Her Arm Goes To…

And the award for the first twin to break her arm goes to….

Any guesses?

Samantha! On August 13, all of us were at the little park by our house and Samantha was playing on the zipline, no more than six feet off the ground. On one ill-fated attempt, Jake pushed her a little too hard to give her a head start going down and when she hit the end of the line, she fell off, landing right on her right wrist, arm, shoulder and face. The playscape beneath was the soft, squishy kind, but she was hysterical and was obviously in a lot of pain.

Thinking it had just scared her and that maybe it was a sprain, we tried to console her onto her bike to ride home so we could ice it, but she would have none of it. Crying and gripping her arm, she walked home while Jake rode his bike and carried her bike, Meredith rode on the back of my bike, and Amelia trailed behind on her bike, screaming and crying that her “arm hurt toooooooo!” and that she wanted Daddy to carry her bike.

I arrived home first and could hear the rest of the wailing crew coming down the cul de sac from inside the house!

We iced Samantha’s arm and she laid on the couch next to an equally hysterical Amelia, who insisted on having an ice pack for her “injured” arm as well. Maybe they have some weird connection and she really does feel pain when her sister does, but it sure was annoying to have the non-injured twin throwing a fit and complicating things even more. Samantha was obviously in a lot of pain throughout the day and both twins were too tired from the ordeal to go to church, so we wrapped her wrist until we could go to the doctor in the morning. We figured it was likely a sprain, but at no point did I ever guess it was actually broken! She could bend and move her wrist, all her fingers and her arm, and I had no idea!

In the mean time, that day, Noah came over to play after we attended the memorial service of Auntie Lynn’s dear friend and our adopted “Aunt,” Marsha. Her passing was unexpected and we will miss her infectious laugh and bubbly personality. She’s been a staple at all of Auntie Lynn’s parties and has attended all of our birthday parties, showers, family events and even brought meals to us when the twins and Meredith were born. Such a sweet, generous, adventurous, and amazing soul who will be dearly missed.

We love you, Marsha!

Noah played with us while his parents were at the dinner for the memorial.

With her sore arm, Samantha did not feel like swimming and sat forlornly on the spa.

After a rough night of tossing and turning due to her sore arm, Sammy woke up, still complaining about her arm. Jake took her to the pediatrician who said she definitely needed an x-ray, so off to the orthopedist they went that afternoon. After nervously checking my phone for the verdict every five seconds, Jake finally texted me the x-ray and the news: it was broken!

Fortunately, it hadn’t broken near the growth plate, but both the ulna and radius of her right arm had small breaks and her arm would need a cast. The ortho said they weren’t bad breaks and would only take a month or so to heal, but we still felt so bad for poor Sammy and were shocked she had broken it from such a low height. She fell on it in exactly the right place. Sammy came back from ortho with her latest accessory, bright pink of course.

We explained that usually when people get casts, it’s fun to let friends sign it and decorate it with a marker, but Samantha would have none of that. So it remains plain bright pink!

The cast helped with Samantha’s pain considerably, and life resumed back to normal, with the occasional complaint of it being really itchy (the ortho told her not to stick anything down the cast herself, but when she gets itchy, we’ve been using popsicle sticks to give her some relief). Amelia, on the other hand, was a complete wreck for the first few days. From not getting to go with Daddy to the special doctor’s appointment, to all the attention Samantha got wherever she went with her cast, Amelia was feeling left out and extremely jealous! We’ve tried to make her feel special by spending extra one-on-one time with her and creating opportunities for her to be helpful by acting as a nurse, but it’s hard to convince a four-year-old that she’s doesn’t really want a cast!

But can you really blame her? Since birth, Samantha has always been the one needing the extra medical attention! First the helmet to correct her plagiocephaly from the womb when she was a baby, spending the night in the ICU after swallowing Visine eye drops as a 15-month-old,  then the glasses to correct the farsightedness in her right eye, and now the cast! It’s always Samantha, Samantha, Samantha!

I’m seeing a pattern…

After a few days, the novelty of the cast had worn off, and Amelia stopped her fits of rage and jealousy, even volunteering the whole story of how Samantha broke her arm whenever anyone asked and Samantha was too shy to share. Life resumed semi-back to normal.

At first, Samantha was very discouraged trying to do all the things she normally does with the annoyance of the heavy cast on her arm. We’ve tried to make a game out of it, counting all the things she CAN do with it and praising her for finding ways to be independent. She’s learned how to climb her bunk-bed ladder one-handed, can get dressed and undressed for the most part, can ride on the swings, eat with her fork, and even write and draw left-handed!

My initial thought when she received her cast was, “Oh noooooo! What are we going to do the rest of the summer??!!” But thanks to the marvels of modern technology, her cast is waterproof, so going swimming and taking baths has not been a problem, as long as she stays out in the sun or we hair dry it to help dry it out so it’s not uncomfortable.

Meredith and Maple on their toddler playdate.

It’s nice we don’t have to worry about water, but a huge ordeal has been the sand! She can’t get any sand in her cast or else it becomes super itchy, but try wrapping a plastic bag around an active four-year-old’s arm whose favorite pastime is making cupcakes in the sand. NOT happening. We remind her to be careful at the park and preschool around the sand and her teachers keep an eye on her, but that’s about all we can do. We’ve had to intervene with a popsicle stick to relieve the itching more than once!

Having never broken a bone myself, I can only imagine how uncomfortable and annoying it is for Samantha, but Jake, on the other hand, has broken pretty much every bone in his body at one time or another and entertained the girls with fascinating stories of different incidents, including an exciting four-wheeling accident resulting in a spiral fracture in his femur and having to sit out the entire basketball season in a cast up to his hip. Samantha and Jake now have a little bonding experience to share! Samantha was also fascinated to learn that Aunt Sarah once broke her arm falling off a swing during the summer and, assuming it was just a bad sprain, Grammy didn’t take her in for an x-ray until the next day either! I don’t feel so bad about waiting a day…

Nap time…

Samantha can still do her ballet and yoga… she just has to get a little creative!

Swinging? Check.

In addition to the itchiness, Samantha’s major complaint has been how blazing hot the cast makes her feel. She’s definitely been on the cranky side the past few weeks from not being able to get comfortable while sleeping due to overheating. Meltdowns have been on the increase since her cast and we’ve tried to make her as comfortable as possible. In the end, breaking an arm is no fun, but overall, she’s taken it in stride.

Tempting fate on the tire swing… there’s no stopping Samantha when she wants to do something. We’ve been back to the infamous zipline park, but she understandably has not expressed interest in riding the zipline again.

The lack of cast now makes it easier for their friends to recognize which one is Amelia!

She will get her cast sawed off on September 10, so only a few more weeks to go. In other medical news, Samantha had a check-up at the opthamologist’s and her eyesight in the right eye has improved considerably, as has her depth perception. She’ll still need the glasses for at least a year, but hopefully at this rate, she may not need them forever as her right eye gets stronger and her depth perception improves.  

There’s never a dull moment around here!

Lots of love,


Park City with the Gerins Summer 2017

While the Gerins were in town, we spent a day taking in the fresh mountain air and gorgeous views in Park City. At such a high altitude, a relatively mild summer day felt scorching and we were all a little sunburned, altitude-stricken and exhausted at the end of our adventures, but Samantha and Amelia enjoyed showing Noah the ropes. Hailey and Meredith had a baby/toddler playdate at home with Grammy and Grandpa, so it was just the older sibs this time!

Noah and Amelia wasted no time bringing on the silliness.

First stop: riding the chair lift up to the Alpine Slide. Whenever we ride a chair lift, the twins always ask a million questions about what happens if they fall out. “AND THEN WE WILL DIE,” they pronounce, solemnly.

Trying not to die on the chair lift.

Noah provided comic relief whenever the girls got cranky.

Last October on the Alpine Slide:

Here we go! It’s always a fight over who gets to sit with Daddy. The girls came up with a reluctant compromise that whoever sat with Daddy on the Slide, HAD to sit with me on the Coaster. I’m always the second choice, and the girls don’t even pretend to hide that fact!

Oh my… mining for gems turned out to be the girls’ favorite part of the whole day (maybe vacation?) They are totally obsessed with the bag of polished rocks they collected and still keep them by their bedsides.

Proud owner of polished rocks!

For unexplained reasons, the twins were also excited about this slow-moving waterless tube hill.

Time to bounce! Samantha showed off her flips, while Amelia took a more conservative straight up and down approach.

Amelia on the trampoline last year:

What next?


The ropes course looked pretty challenging, but everyone hung in there and did well.

Samantha on the ropes last year:


Noah was so cute up there!

Zipline time.


Even Noah tried it!

Everyone was tired by the afternoon and ready to go, but being gluttons for punishment, Jake and I stayed to take the girls on the promised Alpine Coaster while everyone else headed home. I should probably read my old blog posts once in a while before planned excursions because the last time we were at Park City, I wrote a note to my future self, imploring myself to remember to quit while I was ahead. History repeated itself as 45 minutes, three bathroom breaks, two shaved ices and two very sunburned and tired twins later, we made it back down the mountain. We don’t even have pictures to show for all our heroic effort, so here’s the coaster from last year. It’s way faster than the slide and the girls had a blast, but I don’t know that I’d go through waiting in that torturous line with them again, thrilling coaster or not.

See you next time, Park City.

Lots of love,


Park City and the Alpine Slide

We LOVE Park City Mountain Resort, especially when we don’t have to deal with snow! It was the perfect day for us to get our fall colors fix as we drove up the canyon and met Aunt Sarah, Uncle Mike and their dog, Roger, in the mountains for a day in Park City. We were dressed for cold weather and left Meredith behind with Grammy, thinking it would be chilly, but in hindsight, she would have had a great time in the fresh mountain air and being entertained by all the twins’ adventures. Sorry, Meredith– next time!

We rode up the chair lift, which was slightly terrifying holding onto these two– I kept imagining them slipping through the bars.

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Beautiful golden Aspens.


We watched others go down the Alpine Slide on our way up.


A walk in the woods with our sleds.

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Amelia was having a meltdown over riding with Daddy; fortunately, Samantha was happy to be with me and didn’t fight her for the coveted ride with Jake.



Fun times hanging out with Uncle Mike and Aunt Sarah.


The twins were just barely tall enough to go down the Alpine Coaster, which was way more of an adrenaline rush than the Slide, I must say. Being total thrill junkies, the twins loved every minute of it. I don’t think Jake used the hand brake at all, so Amelia definitely got the more exhilarating ride, while Samantha and I took the fun, but cautious route (i.e. someone else was riding my tail the entire time because I was going too slow).

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It was hilarious watching these two bounce on the bungee jumper. Amelia was totally content going up and down, while Samantha experimented with flips.


We couldn’t escape without doing the zipline.


Future mountaineers on the ropes course.

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When we are having a great time, it’s hard to quit when we’re ahead, which is definitely what we should have done this particular day. Having skipped their nap to do more activities, the twins were in full on hangry/tired/sunburned/altitude sickness mode and we dragged them, screaming, out of the serene mountains and into the car.

At one point, Amelia was sobbing incoherently that she wanted a drink, and when I offered her my water bottle, she screamed, “NO! I WANT SPARKLING WATERRRRRRRRR!”

We don’t usually drink sparkling water no less have it on hand, so I have no idea where that outburst came from.  You could tell from the looks of people passing by that they must have thought we were horrible parents for raising such spoiled children. Sigh.

On the otherwise gorgeous ride home, Samantha and Amelia went from overtired and cranky to wild and silly, and only slept the last 10 minutes of the ride. All Jake and I wanted was to enjoy a nice, QUIET ride through the mountains… argh! I would like to remind my future self to always call it quits when you’re ahead.

Back at home, Meredith had a grand time building a new fire pit in the backyard with Uncle Mike, Ali and Grammy.


Can’t believe you guys left me behind!


Barbecue picnic dinner and then straight off for an early bedtime for these ladies.


If only I could predict precisely the minute we would need to wrap it up in order to preserve a good outing!

Lots of love,


Random Utah

In between excursions, most of our time in Utah was spent soaking up the sun in the backyard. I call it “savoring a slow summer.”

The swing and zipline were hours of entertainment.


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Amelia looking worried.


Before Jake refashioned the zipline into a real one, he tried using the swing. Most boring zipline ever.


Meredith received no less than 14 hours a day of cuddling.




More cuddles from Grandpa.


Surprised by life!


S and A loved exploring the closets packed with our childhood toys upstairs.


Hanging out in the playroom.

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Lots of fun toys for Meredith on her throne.



Eating outside.


More slip n slide and sand pit.

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What a cute spider in her web!



Woo hoo!!

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The girls had one last hoorah in the backyard before eating lunch and taking off to go home. We were sad to say goodbye, and were not looking forward to the long trip back.

Meredith, in particular, had PTSD from being in the car twelve hours on the trip out to Utah, and was not happy about being in her car seat again!


We wiled away the time with the road trip scavenger hunt, a movie, singing and about a million two-minute audiobooks (The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Peter Rabbit on audiobook were very well narrated!)

We broke up the trip back by stopping at Jake’s brother’s vacation home in St. George where we played in the club pool and ate dinner.


IMG_0433 IMG_3929  After wearing them out the pool, the girls donned their pajamas and after an hour or so of protest (“I WANT TO SLEEP IN MY OWN BED PLEASE!!”) all three girls conked out at 8 p.m. for the rest of the five hours home.

When the twins woke up in their own beds the next morning, their first requests were, “Can we go back to Utah again today?”

Lots of love,
