More Father’s Day Fun

I’m attempting to keep everything up to date, but our summer schedule has been so crazy that I fear it will be the end of summer before I finally catch up on everything!

After our mid-week excursion to San Diego, we stayed local for actual Father’s Day weekend.

We met up with the Wrights at Salt Creek for a picnic on the grass overlooking the ocean and some beach fun with the four girlies. IMG_3415 (1)

IMG_151199% of the time, Samantha won’t sit still, but for whatever reason, being buried in the sand has a calming effect on her!IMG_1515IMG_1525IMG_1526IMG_1509If I don’t watch her carefully, Amelia will put the seaweed in her mouth! Eek!IMG_1504We also wished Great Grandpa a Happy Father’s Day and visited him at his place to take a dive in the pool. Love Samantha’s frantic attempt to escape here. IMG_1537In between swimming, the girls Skyped briefly with Grandpa back in Utah to wish him a Happy Father’s Day too. IMG_1535 IMG_1534IMG_1555Poor Jake– it was not an incredibly relaxing Father’s Day weekend for him, but he took it all in stride. That’s what makes him such an amazing Dad!

Happy Father’s Day 2015!

Lots of love,
