Sanity Restored!

Jake’s sister, Juliette, is here visiting from Colorado! This means many things…

I get a shower! Yay!
I get to eat breakfast! Yay!
I get to eat lunch! Yay!
I get to eat dinner! Yay!
My sanity is restored! Yay!

Yesterday, Juliette made us a delicious Chinese Chicken Salad. I wish I had pictures, but Samantha and Amelia said we couldn’t eat dinner until Daddy arrived home from work to hold them. As soon as he got in at 8 pm, we gobbled up our salads and passed out.

All in all, it was a very productive day… babies were held, a walk was taken, a trip to the grocery store was made, meals were prepared, dishes were done, and even some laundry was folded!

Thank you, Juliette!

Lots of love,



  1. YAY for sanity!