Blog up and running again!

Hooray! Finally, all the girls’ adventures have now been moved over to their new home! If you use Feedly or another RSS reader, you can update the URL to

There’s also a little box on the sidebar where you can enter your email address and it will send you an email about the latest post if there’s anything new that day.

I wish I had been more diligent about tagging and categorizing my posts in the past because it was a pain to find and categorize them once I moved them over to this blog. Although it was tedious, my OCD brain got a thrill from organizing posts into categories for my easy reference in the future. The vast majority of posts are tag-less, but, alas, this project will have to remain a work in progress for a while.

With my luck, in ten years when the girls actually want to look at this, we will all be able to download memories straight from our brains into the cloud and this whole project will be irrelevant! Sigh.

I’ve come to realize the task of documenting our life’s history could very well be a full-time job…if I had the time. I can’t actually call it a “task” since I love journaling, but that’s not to say it’s super easy to carve out time.

Between this blog, my own personal journal, photo books, and journals that Jake and I write in each week for each of the girls, I’m hoping we’ll have a decent amount of detail recorded that we can look back on and enjoy one day! It’s nice to live in the moment and NOT record anything too– we are all about that!

Now to get caught up on blogging…if I can peel myself away from this awesome video I showed the girls– Ultimate Twinning!

Lots of love,
