Crystal Cove and Orange Groves

Christmas break was extra exciting for the girls since Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mike flew from Portland and Uncle Mike and Ali drove from Wyoming to play! The girls were so excited to hang out at Crystal Cove Beach with Aunt Sarah, Uncle Mike and Grammy. From hiking down the cliffs  and hunting for sea creatures in the tidepools to enjoying sandwiches and views at the Shake Shack, the girls loved playing tour guide. Photos by Aunt Sarah!

A little chilly for boardshorts, but that didn’t stop Meredith from splashing in the ocean with her pants.

Amelia the sandy.

Samantha contemplates the meaning of life.


Amelia feasts on seaweed (the Costco kind, not the fresh kind!)

Making a new friend.

Showing off a good find.

Finding crabs.


The girls also wanted to show Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mike our local orange groves. They biked to the park first for a quick detour.


Meredith quickly got to work filling up her basket with oranges.

Amelia with her pickings.

Samantha’s harvest.

The girls biked the rest of the way to the exploration park playground and then it was a minor crisis getting everyone home since they were so exhausted! I think we ended up with me pushing Meredith in the stroller and carrying her bike, Uncle Mike carrying a bike and trading off twins on his shoulders, while Aunt Sarah gave moral support to the whichever twin was taking a turn riding her bike! The way back is all uphill and a few miles… but we did it. In the mean time, Grammy had taken Eleanor for a stroller ride to meet us at the park, but arrived right after we left. We almost dispatched a car to go find her and pick it up, but she and Eleanor made it home eventually!

Lots of love,


Summer Bucket List and July 2018

Before school got out, we came up with our summer bucket list as a family. We got a surprising amount checked off, considering we had a new baby. Jake took charge of almost everything on this list, so props to him! There were a few things we didn’t have time for because we ended up adding different things throughout the summer instead, so we actually did a lot more than this list!

Going from preschool three days a week to having all four girls at home for the summer was a learning curve for everyone. By the time everyone ate breakfast, got ready for the day, went potty, washed hands, and I fed the baby, it was time for lunch and no time to go out! We went on very short excursions (e.g. the park a five-minute walk from our house, or just scootered around our neighborhood) and played in the pool most days. Since it was summer, the high school age young women from church were out of school, as well as many who were home from college, so we had lots of babysitters to choose from! Emily and Bri were our regulars who took the girls to the park and played with them at home so I could get things done in peace or just take a nap (maybe one time!)

When I asked which summer camps the girls wanted to do this year, they were enthusiastic about doing Vacation Bible School again. Their birthday twin, Grace, happened to be in their group this year, as well as another friend from their old music class from years ago. The leader of their group was also from the same music class, so they felt comfortable immediately. This year’s theme was “Shipwrecked: Jesus Rescues” and it was so cute, although I got sick of listening to the cd of songs they learned after we played it ad nauseam in the car!

Meredith, Eleanor and I stayed for the beginning of the program one day to watch Samantha and Amelia’s group sing on stage. Meredith was fascinated by the skit, which included someone dressed up as a giant sloth, and a fake toucan stuffed animal that flew around on a zipline.

The girls were eager to show me their crafts each day.

The girls were in the Joyful Jaguars group this year.

Another summer camp they did this summer was Camp Galileo, a science and STEAM camp. It was held at the elementary school a five-minute walk from our house, so each morning that week, we loaded everyone up and dropped them off the twins at camp. We drive to their preschool, so walking was a fun and welcome change. Meredith screamed and threw a tantrum on the ground the first morning we dropped them off, because she thought she was going too! I guess a morning home with me and Elle was not exciting enough.

The camp leaders were fun and enthusiastic and the twins loved it. They definitely want to go back next year! Each week had a theme and the week the twins joined was “Space Explorers.” I had only signed them up to stay through lunch, but after the first day, they loved it so much that they asked to stay for the full program, so the rest of the week I picked them up at 3, which gave Meredith a little more time to nap, which was nice! They were nonstop busy with crafts, science experiments, and games each day.

Showing off their space helmets:

Jet packs!

Blast off!

We didn’t go to Utah this year for Pioneer Day, but celebrated at the park with some pioneer games, bbq and lots of pie!

The girls won three goldfish, which are miraculously still alive, despite Meredith constantly dumping in food when no one is looking.

Upset that her first plate of pie fell on the ground.

The girls were excited to display pictures of their ancestors at the craft table.

Two legged race!

Bbq and swimming with the Wrights:

Maliyah, Jodi and almost 1-year-old Corbin.

S’mores time.

We whiled away the hot summer evenings with swimming, swimming and more swimming.

I was pretty lax this summer with popsicles and ice cream, and the girls took full advantage! “What can we have for a snack, mom? A popsicle?” Me, distracted with Eleanor: “Sure, whatever…”  Girls: “Yay!!!”

Our friend, Debi, ran into the girls and Jake at one of the city’s outdoor concerts and sent me some videos of the action. I was glad Eleanor and I weren’t there for the chaos.

The amazing part is that they weren’t even exhausted when they got home.

On some of our very short outings, we only made it out to the end of our cul de sac and back. Sometimes, we only had time to scooter there with Bandit, climb a tree, and then head home to feed the baby/lunch/potty/change a pooplosion/etc.

Being walking distance from our house, the waterpark was another lifesaver this summer! A waterpark morning with Kennedy and Sebastian:

Jake took the girls one weekend to the San Clemente Sand Castle Festival and the girls watched surfers and amazing sand castle builders in action.

Sunburned and pooped.

The girls LOVE getting ready for church and usually pick out/coordinate each other’s outfits.

Jeeping around the neighborhood.

Silly shenanigans.

Impressive magnatile castle.

Beach outing and kite flying in Crystal Cove.

Lots of love,


Tidepooling at Crystal Cove

Now that the tourists are mostly gone and most local kids are back to school, we’ve been going to the beach again! I took the girls to Crystal Cove on a weekday to look for creatures in the tide pools and we had the entire place to ourselves.

This was definitely worth waiting until the end of summer for:

It’s a bit of a hike down to the beach, but so worth it. Going back up is a different story.

Even though we timed it perfectly for low tide, we were disappointed to not find very many creatures this time around. We saw urchins and crabs, but no starfish. The girls didn’t care and entertained themselves poking the poor, squishy anemones endlessly.


As per the usual, Meredith just wanted snacks the entire time. “Nack! Nack” is her most consistent phrase. I just took her in for her 18 month appointment and she’s officially three feet tall, 110% percentile for height and 95% for weight. If it weren’t for her lack of language skills, she could pass for a 2.5 year old, not 1.5.

Meredith can be a handful, but whenever I start complaining, I look back at what it was like to corral two toddlers all day. I honestly don’t know how I ever made it out with both of them at this age. Maybe they had a lot less energy than Meredith? Those days are hazy in my memory, but somehow we made it work… I remember using leashes on both of them!

Put me doooooown!

Samantha found all sorts of cool rocks and shells, which we couldn’t take with us, but she loved to feel them anyways.

While Samantha explored the tide pools, Meredith snacked/chased seagulls, and Amelia mostly hung out by herself building sandcastles. She was not a fan of the cold ocean water that day.

Fortunately for us, Jake played hooky for an hour and came to visit us. Everyone flocked to Daddy immediately and attached themselves to him like barnacles.

Searching for sea creatures.


The perfect spot to build their castle:

Amelia joined at the last minute and claimed Samantha’s castle as her own.

And that’s where the fun ended. Despite cheering them on and helping them think positive by likening them unto the Little Engine That Could, the girls complained, cried, and scowled as they dragged themselves all the way up the hill. I think I can… I think I can…


Lots of love,
