Meredith Turns the Wild ONE

Nothing has changed from yesterday to today, but for some reason, Meredith suddenly seems so much less a baby. She still loves her bottle and blankie, but squirms away when she’s done being cuddled, off to explore the world. Her vocab consists of four intelligible, but she is constantly listening, mimicking, babbling and becoming more precise in tone and more expressive in her needs. She’s still crawling and cruising with lightening-quick speed, but stands by herself just a few seconds more than she used to before wobbling to catch herself on the furniture. She’s inching closer and closer to becoming a toddler, but, fortunately for my heart, there’s still a fair amount of baby left in her to relish.

This coming year will bring her closer and closer to more independence, and I’m holding on to every last vestige of her babyhood while I still can!

Happy first birthday, to our sweet, joyful Meredith!

Lots of love,
