2nd Annual Halloween Playdate

After the disaster that was last year’s Halloween play date with Samantha, Amelia, and Maliyah, Jodi and I decided to try again this year, opting to get the girls together the day before Halloween for some play time. 
Last Halloween, for reasons unbeknownst to us, all three girls were miserable in their costumes, cranky for pictures, and the twins may or may not have been screaming 97% of the time. I can’t remember exactly what we did because I’ve likely blocked it out of my memory. It was truly SCARY. 
This year, we invited Maliyah, plus the new addition, Baby Allie, over for a Halloween re-do. I’m happy to report there was minimal crying this time.
Earlier that morning, Samantha and Amelia enjoyed helping me put together some Halloween treats for the playdate: clementine/celery pumpkins, banana ghosts, rice krispie treat pumpkins, cheese stick brooms, mummified juice boxes, Halloween Go Go Squeezes, mummified hot dogs, carrot fingers, and cupcakes for decorating. Let’s be real– do a couple of 19 month olds really care about juice boxes with googly eyes on them? No. Was it worth it to me anyway? Yes!
Amelia was the mastermind behind the food selection, and enjoyed browsing ideas on Pinterest, while Samantha was the executor-of-ideas-in-chief. They made a great team.
As soon as Maliyah and Allie arrived, we hurried to get a picture of them in costume before they destroyed their outfits. Maliyah, especially, was a trooper in her witch outfit. 
No smiles, but 66.6% of the girls are looking at the camera. Success!
Samantha and Amelia thought little “Allie Cat” was the cutest thing ever and kept bringing her toys. 

 After rolling their eyes for a few pictures, the girls changed back into their regular outfits. The little ghouls went outside to explore the sensory bins we set up with orange water beads and some creepy crawly toys. 

 Amelia concentrated hard on scooping and pouring the water beads. Eventually, half of them ended up in her mouth, so we had to put the bins away for a while.

Once Maliyah found a ball, she was totally uninterested in the rest of the activities. Easy to please!

There was no way I was going to attempt pumpkin carving with the girls this year, so foam sticker decorating it was.

Getting a little worn out with all this decorating…time for some food.

Next up: cupcake decorating. For never having wielded a knife, S and A did pretty well. 

The twins decorating some non-dairy pumpkin cupcakes I made them while the rest of us decorated the yummy sugar cookies Jodi brought.

 Samantha caught on quickly.

I was shocked when the girls didn’t try and dump all the sprinkles down their throats.

Licking the wrapper clean.

Time for a game of “Ghost Toss.” Or just tearing up the tissue paper. Either way.

I knew Maliyah would be excited for our Ghost Bowling game since she loves balls.

Our “bowling” game turned into “see who can knock down the tower of toilet paper before mommy can set it up.” But at least we had fun!

Little Allie had a blast watching the big girls play. 

While Maliyah played with her ball (that girl LOVES balls!), Samantha and Amelia explored the pumpkin-pie scented play dough we made. It smelled a little too yummy not to sneak a few tastes…

Spit it out, Samantha!

Not bad for a toddler play hour. At the end of our date, each of the girls received a little treat bucket with some non-candy Halloween trinkets. S and A were particularly excited about the bath crayons and hand stamps– they are obsessed with stamps at the moment. Fun was had by all!
Jodi and I both agreed this year’s playdate turned our so much better than last year’s. The bar was set pretty low after all. I’m excited for next year when the girls will be a little bit older and will hopefully “get” the whole Halloween thing even more, disaster or no disaster. 
Lots of love, 


  1. Thanks again for having us over. We had a great time!