Spring Cleaning

If you’re wondering why I haven’t been blogging as much lately, it’s because I’ve been deep in the throes of spring cleaning. This isn’t just any spring cleaning, however. This is an enormous cleaning/decluttering/purging/trashing/organizing a year’s worth of crap that has sat and piled up since the twins were born. Last year we were in survival mode. Now that we’ve got things approximately 2% more figured out with the twins, it’s time to get our lives and house back together, and man, does it feel good! 
My nights have been spent blasting Rascal Flatts and dancing around the house like a maniac, tossing things in boxes labeled for garage sale, Goodwill, or the trash with laser-like precision. Every time I say goodbye to something forever, my heart does a little flutter of glee. Jake thinks I’m a psychopath when it comes to spring cleaning, but it’s just one of those things that once you start, you just can’t stop! 
I wish I could say it’s all been progress, but every time I ruthlessly purge another room of our house, Jake goes back through my bins when he thinks I’m not looking. Last night, he literally grabbed some old hotel shampoo and conditioner bottles out of the trash, flabbergasted that I would throw them away since he could clearly use them, if only I would just put them somewhere he could see. “That’s fine, babe,” I told him. “EXCEPT I DON’T WANT TO END UP ON AN EPISODE OF ‘HOARDERS!'” Back in the trash they went. 
The Great Purge of 2014 has mostly been happening at night, since my attempts to organize during the day are interrupted by my little “helpers.” 
In the midst of my cleaning spree, we were privileged to have some special visitors over this week. Marissa and Lori took a few hours of their precious Spring Break to hang out with us at the park, and Samantha and Amelia couldn’t have been more delighted!

Samantha told Marisa that she and Amelia selfishly hope she’ll stay in SoCal for college so they can visit her. 

It was so nice to have company at the park, instead of chasing around the littles solo! We braved the heat at the park for a while until the twins got cranky…it was so hot, the makeup was literally melting off my face! Note to self: stock up on waterproof mascara and eyeliner in order to survive the outdoors with the girls this summer. 

Samantha was totally mortified after she sneezed in Marisa’s face, spewing the homemade whole wheat waffle I had just given the girls for a snack all over poor Marisa! Ever the optimist, Marisa said she was at least grateful it wasn’t vomit. Can you not go to college so I can hire you as a live-in?  

We always have a great time with Lori and Marisa, especially listening to all the hilarious stories about Marisa’s childhood and her penchant for correcting her kindergarten teacher’s spelling mistakes on the board. When she was six, she asked her mom if she could watch an episode of Sponge Bob, which she hadn’t seen before and wanted to know what all the hype was about. She came back a half hour later and said,” Well, that’s thirty minutes of my life I’ll never get back.” I SO wish I knew Marisa as a little kid.

The next day, the girls got a visit from their favorite senior citizen, the esteemed Great Grandpa! 

I’m meeeeeeeeelting. 

The girls loved having some new lunchtime conversation for a change. 

All three looking at the camera and not screaming. It’s a miracle!  

That’s our week so far. Gotta get back to spring cleaning!
Lots of love, 